Page 110 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“She’s been through so much. We all have. I think it's OK for her to be a little on edge. It’s only been a few weeks.”

“She’s not showing any other signs of depression and anxiety.”

“How do you know?”

“I spoke to Doc, and I looked it up on the computer. She’s a little spaced out, a bit distant, but that’s it. I say we leave it for now, see how she goes.”

I let the door creak as I opened it, holding the piece of paper Doc had just given me tightly in the other hand. The guys all looked startled at that. I’d gone for a run to get the results of my tests and had snuck in the back door when I got back.

They are your pack and they love you, I told myself, not understanding the reluctance I felt. I wanted to put a hand over my stomach, but that would have given everything away all too soon.

“I went and saw Doc, like you asked,” I said, creeping into the kitchen, my pack looking concerned as I did so. Why wouldn’t they? I was acting like I had cancer or something. “She gave me this.”

I thrust the paper out gracelessly, holding it with stiff fingers until Finn reached across and took it. His grip faltered when he scanned the results, his eyes going to the others, which led to it being snatched from his limp grip. I made myself watch their reactions, despite wanting to look away. It hurt to see those brutally raw expressions that looked just like the way I felt.


“You’re pregnant?” Slade couldn’t have looked any more trashed if I punched him fair in the face, but I didn’t see that for long. He swooped in and tossed me up in his arms. “My beautiful fucking girl. You’re going to be a mum! We’re going to be dads!”

And that opened the floodgates. I don’t even know who took hold of me or kissed me, my eyes were completely filmed over with tears. All I knew was it was dizzying and overwhelming and heady. Hands went to my belly, lips to every part of my body, until finally I was carried over to the huge couch and we all collapsed down onto it. I closed my eyes and leaned back, totally limp within their group, surrendering to what had always been inevitable—my pack.

Then I said, “It’s a girl.”

What comes next?

So, what will happen with Sanctuary? Is this it for Jules and her pack? What about that vision of the baby? What about Sylvan? Is he really dead? I don’t have a whole lot of answers for you right now, but here’s what’s planned:

? A final (as far as I know) short story dealing with Jules and her pack and their child is out now. It’s a freebie in return for a newsletter sign up. Don’t want any more newsletters in your inbox? Just unsub when the first one comes through, and it’ll be all good, just don’t report me for spam!

The link for your free book is just after the teaser.

? At least two more books to resolve the White Wolf/Branwen storyline. I have Flick’s book, another ‘human’ MC who has run to Sanctuary with her son to escape a domestic violence situation, about 18k written already, so she’s coming next.

? Arelia and Kiralee will get their own book(s) There’s obviously a lot still to resolve there, so that will come.

Possible spin offs/ancillary books in the Pack Heat series:

? I am interested in doing at least a short story about Grace, Max, Rhydian, and Grey, looking at how they work through the trauma of what has happened. This could potentially be quite a sad and intense story, but I’ve definitely got ideas for this.

? A series of light and fluffy ‘human woman comes to Sanctuary and finds her pack’ romances. These would be shorter and much lower on the drama. Think Gilmore Girls rather than Lord of the Rings!

? Possibly some other spin offs for other minor characters. If there’s people you’ve liked and want to see get a HEA, let me know!

To manage expectations, I will be writing something else before the next Pack Heat book. I need a bit of a mental cleanse after this. Jules’ story was a lot of fun but also seriously draining!

So what now?

Beyond this page you will be able to read a teeny, tiny cliffhanger related to the next phase of this series. If you hate cliffys and they make you cranky, don’t read it. You’ll just one star me, and then we’ll all be unhappy, so proceed at own risk!



You only notice nothingness when it starts to recede. The first thing I felt when the void began to drain away was pain. Every nerve, every muscle sang its own particular dirge of agony. My body, now that I could feel it again, twitched and spasmed in response to coming back into existence.

Then came the subtle changes in the black around me. Total nothingness bled away to various shades of darkness. I started to make out vague shapes and slight movements, but none of it was comforting.

Then came the voice.

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