Page 109 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“No, no, I’m done with all this ‘it has been foretold’ bullshit. We came, we saw, we kicked Lonan’s arse—”

“That was Sylvan more than us,” Finn said.

“Nonetheless, we’ve done enough.” Jack turned to face the lot of us. “No one asked us, no one told us what was going on.” Brandon blanched at that, but Jack surged on. “No one felt like they could tell us without stuffing things up, right?” The other man nodded. “We’ve done it all. Someone died… Well, lots of someone’s died, but someone sacrificed himself so we could have this. Have Sanctuary, have our pack, our house.”

“Our footy, fucking, food, and beer?” I said.

Jack laughed at that, but I could see the tears shining there. Hawk’s hands moved restively around my waist at that.

“I just want us to have a chance to enjoy it.”

“I never thought I’d say this,” Finn said with a shake of his head. “But Jack’s right.”

“Really?” his cousin said. “Finally, Prince Perfect sees my side of things.”

“Brandon? Jules? Hawk? You’re the deciders here,” Finn said.

Brandon stepped forward, away from the pack and into the space between. “What of Sanctuary? What of the refugees? If this is what we choose, what happens to them?”

You must choose, was the Great Wolf’s only reply.

“But what will happen? Will everyone be safe? Will the Black Wolf come for us? What will happen to any children we have?”

And then I knew what the right decision was. I lifted Hawk’s hand and kissed it, then started to pull away but dipped in to kiss his cheek and take a deep breath of his woody pine needle scent first.

“We won’t ever kn

ow,” I said as I took up my place by Brandon’s side. “That’s what the vast majority of people do. They take a chance, leap off that cliff, dive into that wolf’s mouth, and hope for the best. That’s what I choose—hope.”

The White Wolf nodded, then turned tail and disappeared, and the bathroom came flooding back.

“That’s what worried you, wasn’t it, Hawk? When I leapt into the fray, you thought I was choosing something else.”

“I…” His hands balled into fists, and then he consciously, slowly released them. “I choose you two every fucking time. You’re what I think about when I wake up, I go to sleep covered in your scent, fucking wallowing in the two of you. In all of you, in a lesser way. It was fucking weird, talking to my brothers in the Mess. They’re my family, I’ve grown up with them all my life, but I realised just today, it's this. This is my family now, this is where I belong, and I will protect it with everything I have. From gods, from other people, from the matriarchs, I don’t fucking care.”

Silence fell over the bathroom, until finally Jack said, “Fucking Silent Bob. Never says anything, and then when he does, everyone thinks what he says is profound.”

Slade snorted, but I walked past all of them and into Hawk’s arms, relishing every minute as the weight settled around me.

We went to bed afterwards. Of course, we did. Sex was an integral part of being Tirian, but it was only now, as my hands slid across their taut flesh and theirs slid over mine, that I realised something. My Tirian had said something profound through the portal—that we were their links to the physical, and they were our ability to transcend it.

There was no goddess in the room with us this time, no glowing lights, no black suns. Not even the psychic space. Everyone was here, naked, present in ways that went far beyond the physical, just as she had said.

There was a tremendous vulnerability to what we did together. Rather than sexy scenarios and panting heat, we were just seven people, opening ourselves to each other. We didn’t touch each other so much to arouse, but to connect. When finally, Hawk was buried inside me, everyone else lying around us or tangled in each other, I felt it.

“What’s that?” he gasped between strokes, slowing the drag of his cock inside me.

I couldn’t answer, the feeling so strange and nebulous, I felt like describing it might destroy it. Instead, everyone clustered closer, Jack smoothing my hair back from my forehead and dropping drugging, open-mouthed kisses, Finn’s hand instinctively reaching out to stroke my stomach. I looked into their eyes as it built, a pleasure-pain of the sweetest kind, and tears formed in my eyes. It was an opening somehow, that’s the only word I could use to describe it. Like every single barrier and boundary was down, just for now.

“Hawk!” I cried, wanting, needing something, but I didn’t know what, but he seemed to know. His face twisted, his hands digging into the bed as he forced himself on, his whole body shivering as he fucked me. We moved together, faster and faster, the others wrapping around us that much tighter, until I felt it.

I floated on some kind of cloud of pleasure, a generous and all-encompassing thing that swept through the lot of us, wringing wave after wave of ecstasy from us. My body felt like it was opening, blossoming, surging up like some kind of spring, until it all stopped. Like a soprano holding onto that perfect, crystal ringing note, we were a pleasure that wouldn’t end.

And from that, she came.

Weeks later, the guys were standing in the kitchen, making coffee. None of us had gone back to work yet, and no one had made any moves to make us.

“She’s been really squirrelly lately. Maybe we should get Ophelia in to talk to her.”

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