Page 59 of Cry Wolf

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“So fucking beautiful, Jules.”

“You want to watch it? The moment you spread me wide, my cunt struggling to stretch around your cock.”

“Jules, fuck...”

My brow creased, and I squirmed a little as his cock grazed my clit. A second ago, I’d been perfectly satisfied, now desire came rushing back.

“I want you in me, Hawk. Your cock is so thick. I’m gonna feel every fucking inch.”

“I’m trying to hold back here,” he grated.

“Don’t.” The glow in my chest brightened, triggering an answering one in him. His eyes jerked down as he saw the lines of the wolves on his chest light up, as if they would start to run in real life, off and beyond his chest. “Take what you need from me.”

He paused for a second, his eyes staring into mine. Brandon’s hand smoothed my hair back so I had nowhere to hide. Hawk didn’t look away as he moved, teasing me initially with tiny, stabbing thrusts that dipped momentarily inside me before pulling back. He waited until I was starting to claw at the bed in frustration before smiling, stopping where he was, then sinking deeper. Our groans came in tandem, followed by a startled laugh. I watched the smile fade as his hand reached out for my cheek, and he pushed himself in deeper.

“Oh fuck,” I said, my head rolling backwards. Brandon smiled down at me.

“Feeling full?”

“So much.”

“Good?” I nodded briefly. “I want to lick your clit while he fucks you.” I whimpered in response, Hawk swearing as I tightened around him. Brandon turned to him and said, “You going to have an issue with my head that close to your cock?”

“Put it wherever you like.”

Something flared inside me. Inside my mind’s eye, I saw the two of them, dark and darker, twined around each other. I didn’t get that but Hawk pulled back, gently placing a hand on Brandon’s skull and pushing him down between us.

“Oh god...” I moaned. Brandon’s tongue was slick and mobile, lashing my clit, making me ache deep inside. Then, Hawk moved.

On a very rare occasion, sex feels so damn good you can’t lie still, but you can think of no sensible way to contribute to the proceedin

gs. Hands clamped down on me everywhere, holding me down and not letting me wriggle away or closer. Brandon’s lips fastened around my clit, sucking harder, Hawk thrust deeper and I just had to lie there and feel.

I closed my eyes and surrendered. I was the suck of my cunt around Hawk’s cock, the deep aching spot the big head dragged across. I was the pinching tightness of my nipples, the dull throbbing of my clit. I was pleasure. But I was more. I didn’t need to open my eyes, listen to the gasps from the guys to know the light was growing brighter. I could feel it inside me. Something expansive and unfettered, completely beyond the cramped, griping constraints of day to day existence. My irritation and anger with Sylvan was shed, my concerns about the guys, my need to mate with Brandon, it all fell away. He was marked by me indelibly, as I was by him, as were all the guys, even Shaun. He hurt as he now worked as hard as possible to sever that connection, with alcohol, with anger at me, with whatever he could, because he wondered if he’d ever find someone with which to share what my pack shared. Because that’s what they were. In my mind’s eye, I saw the same dark plain lit dimly by the setting black sun, and all of them were there.

Finn, bright as a star. Brandon and Slade, jockeying for position and nipping at each other’s faces. Aaron, huge, a darker grey and regarding me from the shadows with a quiet confidence. Hawk and Jack, exactly as they were drawn on their chests, circling each other. For a moment, I could see why this whole society was centred around the mating and creating of packs. I felt every single one of them singing in my blood, as they did me. They could feel the pleasure the three of us wrought, adding and augmenting it as their minds melded with ours, colouring it with the spikes of their surprise, the surge of their desire coating my tongue. I howled to them—part greeting, part challenge—and then began to run.

They followed, hot on my heels. We all ran with one mind, racing towards the setting sun, the wind in my fur, their scents in my nose, with the sheer animal pleasure that comes from moving your body. I felt it build as they chased me down, the sensations within my human body. Hawk was so hard and big and brutal that I felt something unfurl, loose and languid in response. I was coming, soon, I could feel the impetus to run faster and farther, the black sun dropping lower and lower. I put on speed, paws slamming into the earth, haunches bunching and springing. The land flew past, trees, rocks, dirt, all given no more than a cursory glance. I didn’t stop this time, when I reached the edge of the black lake. The water could have been shallow or as bottomless as the ocean, I didn’t care. I leapt, and I felt the guys leap with me, every single one of them. We soared through the air, spurred by inhuman strength and something else, besides. The great black orb grew larger and larger, filling my field of vision, my world, until there was nothing else but it. Then I bit the sun.

Light exploded around us. I couldn’t see, my eyes screwed firmly tight, but the echoes of the blast shone through the thin membranes. I was screaming, that I was dimly aware of, but it didn’t matter.

What came next is difficult to describe. There was light, but that wasn’t relevant. That airy feeling, of floating to nothingness, was there as well, but it wasn’t in any way uncomfortable. I was everything and nothing, where I started and the men ended couldn’t be determined. For a length of time I could not gauge, I just rolled within it—the feeling and flavour of each and every one of them. Jack was sharp, slightly resistant to our melding, where Hawk rushed in and swamped me with all he was. He was rich and glorious, like coffee on the tongue, full of hidden depths I could spend a lifetime trying to plumb. Aaron was like earth, solid, reassuring, containing an endless strength. He didn’t need to strive, thrust himself forward, do anything but what he wished. He had a big heart full of love, and it was there for the taking, if you had the wit to see it. Slade was wild and free and unfettered, tugging me hither and thither, tumbling me in hilarious swooping motions of joy. Brandon was deep, like the ocean, with a deceptively smooth surface, but all sorts of things—including monsters—swam in those depths. And Finn. Finn was the enduring strength of a redwood, growing and weathering a thousand things and remaining resolute. I was held, that I knew, safe and enclosed within the circle of them all, even if Jack might balk slightly at the experience.

When her eyes opened, I saw the source of the light. Great golden eyes regarded me, big as a house, the details of her white fur slowly coming into view. The Great Wolf stared down at me, because what else could she be?

You will free us, she said, and for a moment, I just hung there, looking into the eyes of a wolf capable of swallowing the world. The part of my brain that could decode the words was firmly offline in the face of her, the Great Wolf. She was too big, and not just in size. She concealed a millennia, a universe within her form, and my poor little human brain struggled to come to grips with her. She sighed and then shivered, resolving into a much smaller white Tirian.

You will free us, she said again, and I blinked.

I looked around, trying to find some kind of indication in the overwhelming whiteness we hovered within of what she spoke of, but found nothing. It was all just endless featureless light.

Trust in your pack. They materialised around me in Tirian form at her words. There is strength in your number. Together, you are enough.

I frowned at that, having no idea what the hell that meant, but didn’t get a chance to answer. The empty space around us rapidly began to darken, all of us glancing about as a black spot formed under our feet, bleeding outwards, farther and farther.

When I glanced at the Great Wolf, she shifted on her paws, then whined. He comes, I must run. You must free us.

And then she was off, streaking off into the distance like a shooting star. I didn’t get to track her flight, the guys’ whines drawing my attention back. Underneath us, the black hole resolved itself, huge white fangs ringing the darkness as jaws the size of a housing block slowly surged up, open and ready to snap. I couldn’t move, couldn’t go back to my own body, couldn’t look away from the gleaming red eyes that took us all in. It grew closer and closer, swallowing all of the light, the terror spiking through me as it came, until the jaws closed shut.

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