Page 26 of The Wolf At My Door

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“Julie, Julie!” I tried to wriggle out of his grip and instead, we fell back onto the couch, his body lying heavily over mine. He pushed himself up on his arms, and said, “You talk to Kelly, and tell me and Slade you want this, nothing will stop us from closing the deal. I mean nothing. If we have to lock away all of the liquor on site and give everyone a three-day holiday, we will make it happen for you. But Julie, conscious consent is sexy, a woman looking me in the eye and telling me just what she wants me to do to her is sexy. Not this, not alcohol making the decisions for you.”

I wriggled my hips under him, “Your body seems to be saying otherwise.”

“Yeah, well, a stiff prick has no morals, but I do. Let’s go to bed…”

“That’s what I’ve been suggesting!”

“And sleep. You make the decision in the morning, in the cold light of day, and we’re yours, baby.”

He got to his feet, leaving me lying there, head spinning, feeling slightly nauseous and not the fuck sure what just happened. I grumbled all the way to bed and had to be stopped from stripping off entirely, Finn forcing me to wear my undies and shirt. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


I woke to a world of pain. “Unnh…” I groaned, holding my head. My brain was pulsing in counterpoint to my heartbeat, sending waves and waves of agony through my body. I opened my eyes a slit and gasped as harsh arrows of light seemed to pierce my brain pan. I screwed them closed, and that hurt as well. I rolled over and buried my head under a pillow, a pillow with a distinct masculine scent. Oh, fuck, I groaned, I was in some guy’s bed.

“Morning.” I peeked out from under the pillow to see my worst nightmare. My boss was standing at the edge of what I now realised was his bed, coffee in hand, dressed and neatly pressed, looking down at me. What had I done?

“Did we…?”

“Have sex? No, though not for want of trying on your part. I wanted to be gentlemanly, but you did not seem inclined to take no for an answer, right before you passed out.”

“Oh, no!”

“You did however, ask me to ring Kelly in the middle of the night and clear us having sex.”

“No….” I groaned into the pillow.

“Can I take from your reaction that you don’t want Slade to come over and have a threesome with the two of us?”

“I didn’t suggest that…did I?”

“Yeah, you did. He’s waiting outside right now, just in case you were sincere.”

“I can’t come to work today,” I said, pulling the pillow tighter over my head. “I’m sick.”

“A hangover isn’t a legitimate reason for a sick day,” he said, yanking it off my head. I screamed some sort of harsh gurgle, jerking my head under the blanket as quickly as I could. I might not have come by it legitimately, but I had a grade A headache right now. “Your dog has been fed and has somewhere to be today. Be out the front of the bungalow in twenty minutes. I’ve left some clean clothes for you on the bed, as well as some spare knickers.”

“What do I need them for?”

“You told me all about how distressed you were, being wet all the time. Like, you wouldn’t even have to use lube if I have a massive cock like everyone else here, wet.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I said, smacking my head against the bed, even though it caused brightly coloured stars to flare painfully behind my eyes.

“Twenty minutes, or I’ll assume you’ve changed your mind, and you want to take Slade and me on. You won’t have to get out of bed all day, I promise.”

I thought about it for a moment. I know, I’m weak and depraved, but god almighty… I swung my body upright, feeling my belly swirl and then clench painfully. I am not going to hurl, I am NOT going to hurl, I told myself. Once I felt safe to move, I staggered into the bathroom.

Maybe having a threesome wouldn’t be so bad, I thought as I walked outside. I resisted the urge to hiss like a vampire at the obscenely bright morning light, but only just. I saw Slade, Finn, and some other guy in army fatigues leaning up against what looked like an old Range Rover, all with the same smug male smile blokes got when they saw a lady in distress. I walked over to Slade and pressed my body against his, saying, “I will suck your dick if you gimme your sunglasses for the day.” He laughed, pulled them off his face but held them out of reach, eyes flicking from my right to my left eye and back, like he wasn?

?t sure if I was serious. Not a bad idea, I wasn’t, probably. Then his grin grew wider, and he held up a poisonous green bottle of Gatorade.

“Then what will you give me for this?” he asked, swishing it around. It fizzed weirdly.

“What’s that?” I asked, jamming the dark glasses on my face.

“Two extra strength aspirin and Gatorade. I got the cure for what ails ya, princess.”

“Oh, you big, beautiful man…” I reached for it, but he yanked it away.

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