Page 90 of Anagram

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“Yeah. Have you seen her?”

“She went that way.”

“What about her assistant?”

“She followed not long after. They could be in a meeting.”

I nod, but if they went that way, I know exactly where Reagan is—she’s on the roof.

Before the sales girl goes back to her desk, I stop her. “Were they arguing?”

“They didn’t leave together. Reagan went first.”

“Shit. I think they’re on the roof.” I leave the sales office and the employee follows behind me as we walk across the hall. “Did they both go this way?”

“Yes.” She nods, beginning to panic.

“Okay, I need you to call 9-1-1. Tell them that Reagan is in trouble and you’re worried that someone’s trying to hurt her. And tell them to hurry.”

“Will do.” She heads back into the office and I run to the fire exit.

When I reach the door to the roof, the bar that opens it up is jammed. I push my weight down on it but it doesn’t budge. Taking a step back, I lift up my leg and with all my energy, I kick it. I keep kicking it with as much force as I have until eventually, the bar rattles. I stop and again push down on the steel bar.

Finally, with one last push, it opens.

What I see before me has me spiralling.




“I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch.” Margie screams as she flies at me.

I try to roll out of the way but her body colliding with mine has my head hitting the concrete. I become starry eyed for a minute. I lay still, my body feeling heavy. I’m not sure if I’m even awake, but I begin to come to and feel my body being dragged. When we stop, I watch through hazy vision as Margie straddles me. Her hands go to my throat again. Only this time she’s squeezing as tight as she can, cutting off my air supply. I try my best to stay conscious.

The evil that’s lying in her depths scares me. She laughs because she knows she has the upper hand. As my focus becomes clearer, I ball one hand into a fist at my side. Lifting my other hand slowly, I grab her hair and yank her head back and let my other one go, punching her in the face, her nose exploding with blood from the impact. She screams and eventually loosens her hold on my throat.

Gasping for every bit of breath I can, I manage to push her off of me. I roll away from her and scramble up to my knees. With my one hand still protecting my throat, I inhale as deep as I can. I can hear movement at my side, but I can’t get up quick enough. A kick to my ribs has me dropping to the floor again. Pain tears through my side and back when I take a breath.

Kicking me over to my back, she steps over me and straddles me again, one knee on either side of my body. Her fist connects with my cheek. Summoning up all my strength, I clasp my hands together and whack her in the chest. She falls backwards and I roll back to my knees and get to my feet this time. I straddle her this time with my tight grip on her head I bang her head off the ground her eyes rolling back in her head.

I begin to get up, but I’m knocked to the ground again. She gains the upper hand on me and we keep fighting on the ground. My ribs are screaming at me, but I try to ignore it. Margie is on her knees, straddling me again when she reaches to her side. My gaze follows and widen when I realise what she’s reaching for. She picks up a large steel bar and holds it firmly in her hands.

“Don’t do it, Margie.”

“My name isn’t Margie! It’s Margana. But then you already knew that. I fucking hate you!” She raises the bar above her head, and I close my eyes, ready for the blow. “You ruined my life. You fucking bitch!”

Before she can do anything, I hear the door open and someone scream, “Reagan!”

Everett. My body sags with relief. He’s here.

I try to inhale but it hurts so much that I can barely breathe. I have a feeling I have a broken rib or two when the pain tears through me again. “Everett, help!”

Margie turns her head to look behind her. I use that to my advantage and hit her in the stomach. The piece of steel clangs as it drops from her hands and hits the ground. I look down and to see it’s just in reach. Distracted by pain, Margie holds her stomach, leaving herself vulnerable.

I reach out until I can touch it with my fingertips. Managing to get a hold on it, I grab it and wrap my fingers around it… Turning back to me, she notices too late, and I swing the bar, connecting with her head.

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