Page 87 of Anagram

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I haven’t heard from my brother or my mom, they obviously still think I’m in the wrong, but I have every intention of finding out the truth. I’ll show them I’m not fucking crazy. Then they’ll be sorry.

I wish my dad was here more than anything. I’m so much like him. We always had the same good intentions, the same thoughts, everything. Mom always said we were carved from the same stone. It made me happy to know that we were so alike.

Brushing down my suit, I look in the mirror and take a deep breath.

“Knock ’em dead, baby.” Everett stands in front of me, kisses my nose, and smiles.

I slide my hands up over his shoulders. “What if Terry believes everything Margie has said? What if I can’t prove that it wasn’t me who did all this? I’m not a bully. If he fires me for that, it’ll follow me around for the rest of my life.”

He frames my face in his hands and looks deeply into my eyes. “Baby, I know you’re not a bully. It’s just a meeting, hold your head high and fight like the Reagan Quinn that I know and love.

“Okay. “Let me drop you off. That way when you’re done, I can come get you.”

“You think he’s going to fire me, don’t you?”

“Terry Hicks isn’t one to play the book, believe me. In fact, I can call Joy and tell her I’ll be in later and to reschedule any meetings I have.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.” A tired sigh leaves my lips. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not asking, I’m offering.”

I know he won’t back down, but I don’t want him having to come to my rescue. I’ve never had to rely on a man before and I’m not about to start now. “No. This is on me. It’s my fight.”

With his arms threaded around my waist, he pulls me flush against his body. “Whatever happens today, just remember that I love you.”

I press my lips against his, clutching his biceps, before pulling away. “I love you too.”

After finally going our separate ways, I head for the office. There’s a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach and no matter how much I try to will it away, it’s not leaving. But as I step from the elevator and make my way into the office, I follow Everett’s advice and hold my head high. I’ve done nothing wrong.

I look around the large space after Terry’s assistant tells me to take a seat while I wait for him to finish up. My clasped hands twist in my lap as my nerves begin to get the better of me. I take a deep breath in and slowly blow it out just as I hear his voice calling my name.

Getting up from the chair and straightening my clothes I turn the knob and walk in with my head up and my back straight, ready for anything he throws at me.

“Reagan, I’m sorry I’m not seeing you on better terms. But it is what it is.”Steepling his fingers together with his elbows resting on the desk, he looks up at me. “Take a seat.”

I sit on the chair across from him, cross my legs, and place my hands in my lap.

“As you know, you’ve been brought in today regarding allegations of bullying and tampering with a company contract. I’ve done my own investigation and can only come to one conclusion…” My stomach flips and I think I’m going to be sick. “I’m afraid—”

“Can you at least hear my side before you get to be the judge, jury, and executioner?”

“If you think it’s necessary.”

“I did nothing wrong. The Sphinx account…I wasn’t even in the office. It happened the day I was out sick. And the bullying…” I can’t help but chuckle. “Has any other colleague or employee accused me of bullying besides Margie? Yes, I’m firm, but I’m always fair. I always have been. Isn’t it just a little coincidental that all this has happened since she’s been here?”

“Coincidence, that’s what we’re working with here?”

“I know why she’s here. She’s trying to ruin me. And she’s succeeding. You and my family and everyone else are letting her succeed. I am not a bully!” I want to stamp my foot and throw my hands up in disbelief, thoroughly irritated that no one wants to believe me. “And rather than be fired for something I haven’t done, and have my version of events be dismissed, then, well…I’d rather resign.”

Reaching into my bag, I pull out an envelope that holds my letter of resignation. After Everett had gone to sleep last night, I couldn’t relax, so I went into the living room with my laptop and wrote out my resignation. I may not have my job, I may have been pushed out, but I still have my dignity and that’s something no one will ever take from me.

He swipes the letter opener under the flap of the envelope, takes the paper from it, and shakes it out.He looks up at me before dropping his gaze to my written words.

“Well, I guess that’s it, then. I’m assuming this is effective immediately?”

“What if I said I’d like my notice period?”

“I don’t think that’s wise, do you?”

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