Page 84 of Anagram

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“She disappeared not long after.”

“But…but why? I don’t understand. Why come back now? And do you think she remembers me?”

“She must. Why else would all of these bad things start happening to you as soon as she appears in your life?”

Running into the bedroom, I change out of my shorts and tank top and into the nearest pair of jeans I can find, a new shirt, and my Converse. I grab my keys from the breakfast counter and my cell from next to Ruby, and head to the door.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to see Hayden. I have to make him see she’s not who he thinks she is.

I don’t hang around. I don’t have the time. Grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter, I run out into the hallway and open the front door. Ruby joins me after pulling the door closed behind her and we head for the elevators to take us down to the parking lot.

Once we’re in my car and belted in, I tear out onto the road and head for mom’s.



My brakes screech as I come to a sudden halt outside Mom’s house.

Jumping out of the car, I run to the front door finding the key on my ring with my car keys. The car door slams behind me and Ruby joins me. I don’t have much patience tonight, so I bang on the door again.

The door opens and my brother is standing there with a scowl on his face. “Reagan? What the hell?”

“Hayden, thank the lord. I need to speak to you.” Pushing past him, I go into the house, Ruby hot on my heels.

“What’s this about?”

Nodding in Ruby’s direction, I ask her to show Hayden what she showed me earlier.

“All I want to say is I’m sorry.” Stepping up to him, I stand in front of my brother and tip my head back to look up at him. I’ve always admired him, and I still do. I’m glad I have the change to step in to help him see he’s making a mistake. “I don’t want to do this, but you have to listen to me. It’s about Margie…”

“Fucking figures. Not this again, Reag. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?”

“Hayden, I’m trying to protect you. Just look at the pictures. Please?”

Ruby pulls up the photos and holds her cell phone out to Hayden.

With a heavy sigh, he takes the device and starts flicking through the photos. Ruby and I exchange a nervous look, and I turn my gaze back to my brother. I can only watch his reactions and wait. My brother is way too laid back, and too many people take advantage of his good nature. And, unfortunately, he’s not one to notice that he’s being used. First Penny, and now Margie, who is just using him to get to me. If only I could get him to see that.

“I’m not even sure what I’m looking at. So, she’s changed her appearance. I think she looks good.”

“Hayden, she looks like me, did you not happen to notice that? She went to college with us. She said she had no family. Up until a year ago, her family were very much alive. She hid who she is and changed her name and appearance and now she’s done it again.” Taking hold of his arms, I attempt to get him to listen to me. “Hayden, you have to believe me. There’s something wrong with her.”

“That’s fucking enough, Reagan. You’re just jealous of her. She told me about everything at work…and she’s worried about you, we all are. Maybe you should see someone.”

Stepping back from him, my mouth drops open in shock. “What? See who?”

“A shrink. You’re under a lot of stress. You know I love you and I always will. I just want you to get help.”

“Me? It’s not me who needs the fucking help, it’s that crazy bitch. She implemented everything. She’s trying to get me fired, trying to break Everett and me up. And now I find out she falsified her work history and grades. Hayden, she’s a fucking college dropout.”

“You have proof of that?”

“Well… no. You have to believe me…”

“…Stop!” Hayden cuts me off. “Maybe she got them somewhere else. There are community colleges, you know. Stop being such a snob. Not everyone can afford to go to a major college. And not everyone can get a scholarship either.”

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