Page 83 of Anagram

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Ruby’s nose screws up and I roll my eyes at her disapproving look. She’s right, though, I do look pretty bad. I don’t think my hair has had a brush run through it in two days. The only hygiene I’ve really kept up with is brushing my teeth. I’m such a dirty bitch.

“Shut up,” I say with a grin. “You sure do know how to time your visits though.”

“I take it you two are back on,” she says, nudging me with her elbow.


“I’m glad.” Ruby smiles. “I’m really happy you’re giving him another chance.”

“I love him.”

“No shit.” She jokes, winking, but something’s wrong. There’s something behind her eyes and I’m not sure I want to know what it is.

“What’s wrong, Ruby?”

“I have something for you.” She sighs softly. “Remember when I said there was something about Margie that wasn’t sitting right with me and that I’d try to find out what it is? Well, guess what, I found out.”

That has my heart rate spiking. “Tell me.” I turn fully toward her and give Ruby my full attention.

She plucks her cell from her bag and scrolls through her cameral roll until she finds the picture she’s looking for and passes it to me. “Do you remember her?”

I frown. “Am I supposed to?”

“She doesn’t look familiar?”

“I feel like she should, but…no,” I say, shaking my head.

She takes her cell back and she scrolls again, looking for another picture. When she finds the one that she wants, she zooms in, making the girl’s face bigger. “This one is more recent one, taken only a year ago. She hasn’t been on Facebook since.” Looking a little closer, I still don’t recognize who Ruby’s trying to show me. “But she does have another profile which was made six months ago.”

“Ruby, who is this? What does she have to do with anything?”

“This is a profile picture of Margana Campbell.

“Oh my god. Luis?”

“That’s the one. You ready for more?”

“Go for it.”

She turns her hand away to find the new profile and I grab my Pepsi from the table and take a big gulp. Ruby turns the cell phone back to me and the picture on the screen almost has me spitting my soda all over her device. Slapping a hand across my mouth, I manage to swallow it before shifting my stunned gaze from the picture back to Ruby. “What the fuck?”

“I’d like you to meet Margie Mae Campbell, your assistant.”

“Fuck off! Is that really the same person?”

“Unfortunately, yeah.”

Jumping up from the couch, I pace the floor, hands on my hips, trying to think. With every step I take, a sick feeling settles into the pit of my stomach. I don’t have a good feeling about this.

“It’s definitely her?”

“Absolutely. Reagan, she’s psycho. Do you remember what she did when she found out you and Luis were together?”

“She went crazy. Tore his dorm apart and everything.” My eyes are wide when I look to Ruby.”

“Yes. She ripped up all his textbooks. She spread rumors about him and—”

“Oh fuck. She has to be the one who broke into our dorm room. We never could prove who did it.”

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