Page 73 of Anagram

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With a wiggle of fingers, she says, “Bye, Everett. I do hope we can do this again soon.”

“I don’t want to see you here again.”

She walks away, her head held high, and I bet if I could see her face there’d be a fucking smirk there.

Closing the door, I sit at my desk and pull my cell from my pocket. I call Reagan, but it goes to voicemail. I knew it would but that doesn’t stop me. I call her again, but this time the voicemail picks up right away. She’s purposefully ignoring me. I wait for the beep and leave a message, hoping she’ll listen to it.

“Reagan, please answer me. I swear to you there is nothing going on. I’m not even sure what that was, but what you saw wasn’t what you think. Baby, I can’t explain over a damn phone, please talk to me. Please pick up. There are so many things I need to say to you and I’d rather do it face to face and not like this.”

I hang up and slump in my desk chair, dropping my head into my hands. I’m not sure what to think or even do. I’ve never had to make amends to a woman; I wouldn’t even know where to start. I’ve never cared enough about a woman to want to give a shit about where to start before Rae.

What a fucking mess!

Reagan tried to tell me Margie was up to something, but I never thought it was me she was after. Maybe she thought she could get further up the ladder with me in her corner. Who fucking knows. All I do know is she’s fucked things up for Reagan and me.

Grabbing my car keys and shoving my cell into my inside pocket, I stop by Joy’s desk on my way out. “Joy, I’m done for the day. Hold my calls.”

“Will do, Mr. Brooks.”

I don’t look at her, I just leave. I need to see Reagan.



When I get back to the office, Reagan still hasn’t come back. I feel the smile pull at my lips as I put my purse away and sit at my desk. I wonder how long it will be before Reagan comes back, or if she comes back at all. She isn’t that weak, surely? I know Reagan Quinn, and she doesn’t give up on anything.

The phone rings, pulling me out of my thoughts. I clear my throat and put my best secretary voice on.“Hicks Life Solutions, how may we help you today?”

“Hello, Margie, it’s Terry Hicks. I’m not sure what is going on… but Ms. Quinn is taking the rest of the day for personal reasons. You’ll have to man the phones and keep the office going. If you could send me the end of day reports and drug trial analysis, it would be much appreciated.”

“Yes, of…of course.” I sniff for good measure.

“Margie, is everything okay?”

I put on my best dramatic voice, a little stutter, an extra sniff. “Everything’s…fine, Mr. Hicks,” I reply.

“Are you crying?”

“N-no. I just…well, I feel like this is all my fault.”

“What’s your fault? If there’s a problem, Margie, you need to tell me so I can fix it. Are you having problems with someone in the office?”

“You could say that. It’s only because I found out her secret. She was so angry with me.”

“Margie, you aren’t making any sense. Who was angry with you? And what secret?”

I grab a tissue and pretend to blow my nose and dab my eyes for appearances sake just in case anyone in the sales office is watching.

“Reagan—I mean, Ms. Quinn. She was angry. She told me if I told anyone about what she had done, I’d lose my job. And because I was just an assistant, no one would believe me over her.”

“Go on…”

“The Sphinx account. She did it, Mr. Hicks. She made me order the wrong amount of pills. She said it would be fine… she made me sabotage the account. They closed it because of the shipment.”

“Reagan did it?” The shocked sound of his voice makes this a whole lot sweeter to my ears.

“I’m afraid so. I didn’t want to tell you, but I couldn’t keep it in any longer. I think she’s also been defrauding the company, but I can’t be too sure.”

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