Page 69 of Anagram

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I run the backs of my fingers down her cheek. “And you look edible. Maybe I should have you for breakfast.”

Reagan licks her lips and smiles. “We both know neither of us would make it to work today if that happened. I have enough problems already without adding more excuses for Terry to fire me.”

“You’re right,” I say on a sigh. “Come on, we’d better get going.”

Reagan grabs her purse and we walk to the door, my hand sneaking behind her to smack her on the ass.

I laugh when Reagan shrieks and rubs her ass cheek.

I lock up and we head for the elevators.

After a busy morning of meetings, I’m starting to think I should have forgone that run and stayed in bed with Reagan. My hands scrub over my face and I rub my eyes, when there’s a knock on my door. I see Joy standing on the other side and I call her in.

“Joy, you okay?”

“I have Ms. Campbell, Ms. Quinn’s assistant from Hicks Life Solutions, on the phone for you.”

What would Margie want?

“Has she said what it’s concerning?”

“No, she won’t tell me. Said it’s a private matter.” Joy rolls her eyes, making me smile. “This is the third time she’s called. The other times you were in meetings.”

“Tell her I’m with an important client. I’ll call Reagan and see if I can figure out what’s going on.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Brooks.”

Joy leaves, closing the door behind her, and I pluck my cell from my pocket. Clicking on her name, I wait for the call to connect. It rings, but she doesn’t answer. I guess I’ll just have to wait for her to call me back. I answer some emails and send the others to Joy to take care of, but by the time I’m done with that, Reagan still hasn’t called me back. It’s almost noon by the time I look at the clock, so I send Joy to go grab some lunch for me.

I grab my cell, and after clicking on Reagan’s name again, I stand up and walk to the windows that looks out over the city. There’s nothing quite like being the king of your own castle, and standing here, that’s exactly what I feel like. The call connects, but just as it starts ringing, there’s a knock at my door. The door opens, and my eyebrows almost hit my hairline when I see who it is.




I’ve spent most of the morning thinking about Everett and how he acted last night. He was so different. Never in this world did I think he’d want to share a bubble bath, let alone draw me one without me having to ask. It was nice though. He was soft and gentle—and I loved it.

I was extremely glad he didn’t ask me to go on a run with him this morning. But it was nice to see him showered and dressed in a suit. God, how that man filled out a suit…it was enough to turn me on.

Shaking my head, I turn my thoughts back to work and, unfortunately, Margie. What the hell is she up to?

On the bright side, I haven’t heard from Terry yet, which was a godsend, but I also still haven’t heard from Robert Walker from Sphinx. In the two days he gave me to complete my investigation, I have come up with absolutely nothing. And I am angrier than I have ever been. Surely someone knows something.

I watch as Margie picks up her purse and pulls it onto her shoulder before opening my door and looking in. “I’m going out for lunch.”

“Just a second, Margie,” I call out, stopping her. I take out my wallet and ask, “Can you grab me a sandwich, please?”

She just stares at me, unmoving. “I’m sorry, I have to go to the bank, and I have some family business to attend to. And I’m meeting Hayden. You wouldn’t want me to let him down, so, I just don’t think I’ll have time.”

Just the mention of her and Hayden in the same sentence sets my teeth on edge. “Oh…oh, that’s okay,” I manage to stumble out. “Not to worry.” I direct a tight grin at her and in return I get a wide, know it all smile. She turns and bounces through the sales office, straightening her skirt as she goes.

I call the deli down the block and ask them to deliver me a sandwich, but they tell me it’s an hour wait, so instead I grab my purse and go out to grab something.

Walking through the city, there’s always a street vendor selling food. I walk about five minutes down the block and see a hot dog cart. Today is not the day for healthy salad and shit, I need something more. I stop at a cart and grab a hot dog with ketchup and mustard and pay the guy before thanking him and walking away. I go to my car and eat my lunch in there. While I’m out of the office I might go and annoy Everett. He doesn’t usually go out to lunch, and if he does, it’s usually because he’s coming to me.

It still makes me wonder about how close we’ve become the last couple of months, but I honestly wouldn’t change it for all the money on Wall Street. If there was one thing my father taught me, it was if you found someone you could be comfortable with and who you loved, then hold onto them. I know I haven’t told Everett, but I know I love him. I’ve tried to push it back and lie to myself, but it hasn’t worked.

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