Page 68 of Anagram

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“Rae, I don’t think it’s the time for your conspiracy theories, sugar. And you need proof.”

Springing up, I turn in the water and shift to my knees. “Proof? Are you fucking kidding? I’m being accused by Hicks and he has no proof. Or is it one rule for you owners and another for us?” I roll my eyes and try to reign in my temper. It’s not Everett’s fault.

“Hey. I know you’re angry, but I’m on your side.” His voice is soft, I know it’s to appease me. “Now…”

His hand cradles the back of my head and he draws me forward until our lips are barely touching, and whispers, “No more talking. Fucking kiss me.”

Closing the small gap, I press my lips to his. His arms wrap around me up and he drags me on top of him.



I’m not sure how long I lay there and watched her sleep last night. All I know is that I’ve never gotten so close to a woman that I’ve shared a bath with them. A shower is different. But for some reason a bath seems much more intimate. I can feel myself getting more attached to Reagan every day. She crawled into bed and although I wanted nothing more than to devour her body, I just held her in my arms while she snuggled into my side.

I have no idea what’s going on at her work, but I do know that Terry Hicks needs to watch himself; I don’t give a fucking shit who he thinks he is. Reagan is strong, though; she’ll get through this, I’m sure of it.

When I woke up, I left Reagan to sleep for a little longer and put the coffee maker on. I debated with myself on whether or not I should go for a run. After peeking into the bedroom to see she was still dead asleep, I went with yes. If anything, at least it will clear my head, and right now it’s exactly what I need.

I kiss her forehead before I get dressed and leave.

Once I’m out of my building, I press play on my playlist. Once Guns ‘n’ Roses is screaming “Welcome to the Jungle” in my ears, I head down the block. This song feels appropriate, especially looking at the traffic that’s lining the roads and the people that are already milling around at 6a.m.; it is most definitely a jungle out there.

Seeing the entrance of Central Park, I run through it and take my usual morning route, a place where there aren’t so many people around. I’m just working up a sweat where I hear a message come through my earbuds. I unzip my pocket as I run, and take out my cell, unlocking the screen. I smile when I see the message is from Reagan:Good morning. Can you pick up breakfast when you finish your run? Please and thank you.

I quickly send her a message back agreeing to her request. As I’m putting my cell back in my pocket, I get a strange feeling. The kind of feeling you get when you think someone is watching you. A shiver runs from the top of my spine all the way down and the hairs on my neck stand on end. I look around but there’s no one. Swallowing past the dryness in my throat, I twist the cap off my bottle of water and drink half of it while looking around me again. Still, there’s no one, so once the cap is back on, I go back to my run. I could have sworn there was someone behind me.

Finishing up my run, I leave the park and head for the deli to pick up some breakfast.

Reagan is sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, already dressed for work in a dress and sipping on a cup of coffee, when I walk in. “Good morning.” She smiles and pushes a cup to me. “Here you go.”

“You made me coffee?”

“I sure did. It’s the least I can do when you are grabbing breakfast.”

I place the danishes on the counter and pull her to her feet, wrapping my arms around her.

“I might get used to this.”

“Well, you might get coffee more often if you didn’t get up at the asscrack of dawn for a stupid run.”

The corner of my mouth pulls into a smirk, and I grab the back of my tee and pull it over my head. Her hungry gaze falls to my chest.

“Well, maybe not that stupid…” Her eyebrows raise and I step closer. Her hands settle on my stomach. Tugging her closer, I grip her shoulders and place my lips on hers. My tongue plunges deep into her mouth, her hands gripping my sides as she groans before pulling away. “You’re all sweaty.”

“You don’t usually mind a bit of sweat….” I wink.

“Yeah, that’s usually because we’re both sweaty. Anyway, I have a delicious smelling danish sitting here.” On cue her stomach growls, and I laugh.

“Have your breakfast.” With a kiss to the top of her head, I pick up my coffee and turn away. “I never thought I’d come second to food…” I mumble as I’m walking to the bedroom.

“Always,” Reagan shouts back.

I enter my en-suite, laughing at her sassy attitude. I’m starting to think it’s the one thing I like most about her. Stripping out of my clothes, I step into the shower to freshen up.

Once I’m dried off, I dress into a navy Gucci suit, sky blue shirt open at the collar. I walk into the kitchen and Reagan slips off her stool and walks over to me. She slips her hands inside my jacket, runs them along my sides, then pulls me closer to her until our bodies are flush.

“You smell amazing.”

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