Page 60 of Anagram

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Lifting my hand up to Cruella as I pass, I leave the salon feeling a little calmer than when I got here, but no less anxious.

Waltzing back into the office, I almost make it past Margie without being noticed.

“Ms. Quinn. Mr. Hicks has called twice.”

“Great. I’ll call him back from the office phone.”

Sitting down and putting my password in for my computer to come back on, I get myself settled first before I make the dreaded call.

The line connects and I hear his gravelly voice. “Reagan, tell me what’s going on with Sphinx.”

I was hoping to delay this a while longer, but no such luck. “He’s having think everything over and letting me do my investigation. He and I will speak in a couple of days.”

“I’m only going to say this once: if we don’t get that account back, you’ll be finding yourself in the unemployment line.”

“Me? But…how?” I decide not to argue, for one it’s not professional, and two, I am Chief Executive and everything gets run through me first. “Yes, sir,” I agree, and the line goes dead.

I happen to glance into Margie’s office and see her watching. I swear I see a smirk on her face, but I can’t be sure.I can’t go accusing, that’s for sure.

Grabbing my cell out of my purse, I send a message to Everett: Does that job at your firm still stand?

I sent it as a joke, but if I don’t get that account back, I’m fucked. No one will employ me when Terry is finished dragging my name through the mud.

I’ve seriously had enough shit for one day. I want to get through this meeting and go to Mom’s for dinner, then take a shower, crawl into bed, and not come out until I have to.

My cell chimes with a message and I see it’s from Ev.What the fuck? What do you mean? What’s going on?

It’s way too much to explain over text message, so I drop my phone back into my purse and go through any emails I’ve missed. I don’t have the energy to explain to him right now anyway.

No more than half an hour later, I hear someone knock on Margie’s office door. All I see is red. I stand up and look through the glass. Red roses. Margie smiles and knocks on my door.

“Come in.”

“These are for you.”

“Red roses for me? Who are they from?” Lifting them to my nose, I smell their sweet scent as she shrugs.

“I have no idea. The delivery guy didn’t know either. All he said was that they were to be delivered here to you. They were done online; they never left a name.”

My fingers dive into the mass of flowers and I dig out the card… “Thanks.” Maybe they’re from Ev. To Reagan, from a special friend.

I don’t think any more about who it could be. Instead, I find a vase, fill it with water and put the roses in it for now until I can take them home later. I throw away the card, I can ask Ev later too.

I begin to prepare for the meeting and write out some bullet points. I’ve barely eaten anything today and I’m starving. I call Margie and ask her to order some lunch from the deli and get back to it. Getting up, I close all the blinds, as I don’t want to be disturbed for the rest of the day. This is the only way I can make people understand.

About four p.m., I hear a male voice asking if I’m here. Right away I know who that is.

“Is she in a meeting?” Everett. The voices are right outside the door.

“No, the blinds are closed when she doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

With a weary sigh I get up and open the door. “Ev?”

“What the hell’s going on? What was that message and why didn’t you answer?”

Closing the door behind us, I tell him to sit down. My finger sits against my lips as I tell him to be quiet. “I’ve had more than enough shit today; I don’t need any more drama.”

“Nice flowers. Red roses. Aren’t you popular?” He smirks, obviously trying to bring me down off the ledge. “Who are they from?”

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