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“Thank you.”

The door closes behind him and I turn back to my monitor, going through the testimonials for the drugs that have been tried and tested. So far, the reviews are good. Mr. Hicks will be pleased. I attach all the figures to an email and send it over to him.

The office is still amok with employees, but when I look at the time and see it’s almost five, I push out of my chair and head into the adjoining bathroom in my office. When I became CEO, Terry Hicks told me I could have exactly what I wanted, and goddammit I was going to have it. I’d worked fucking hard for this position. I put in the extra hours, any overtime that was available, I did it. I showed him I was more than worthy of the job.

Rinsing my hands under the cold water, I freshen myself up and see that my makeup hasn’t really faded. I just re-apply my lipstick and push my lips together. Smoothing my suit down with my palms, I then run a brush through my hair. It’s usually up for work, but this morning I wanted a change. I take the clips from my bag and twist it into a chignon and pin it up. Everett has a thing for my hair. In fact, Everett has a thing for everything.

Taking a perfume from my bag, I spray it all over me and take one last look in the mirror. I’ll do.

It’s going to take me at least thirty minutes to get across town. Picking up my purse and making sure I have everything, I head out of my office, locking it up as I leave, and stop by Steven’s desk. “I’m heading out early for a late meeting. If anyone calls, just take a message and I’ll get on it in the morning.”

“Sure will, Ms. Quinn. You have a good evening.”

Oh, I will. “You too, Steven.” Turning from him, I leave the office and head down the hallway to the elevators.

I was right about getting across town; the roads are crazy. I always say I’m not going to drive to work, but every time I go to leave, it’s like my precious car calls to me. So here I am sitting in a long line of afternoon traffic.

It’s not too long though before I’m reaching our place. Parking in the lot of the hotel, I lock up my car and head into the building. I greet the concierge with a nod and head up to the tenth floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, I make my way to the only door on the floor. Pausing at the door, I reach into my purse, taking the small compact out to check my lipstick and my hair again, seeing that they’re almost near perfect. I drop it back inside and waste no more time before rapping my knuckles on the door.

It opens less than a second later and my breath hitches. Everett is standing there, one arm resting against the top of the doorframe, his dress shirt hanging open. The button of his pants is already undone, revealing his olive skin and a scattering of hair that runs down the middle of his torso and disappears under those goddamn pants. My mouth waters at the sight in front of me and I capture my lip between my teeth.

“Hello, Ms. Quinn.” He snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me against him until our bodies are flush. As quick as a flash of lightning, his free hand is weaving around to the back of my neck, holding me still, and he plants his lips on mine. The bitter taste of coffee begins to seep into my mouth, and I push my body against him until my breasts are flush against his chest.

He pulls away all too quickly for my liking and circles my wrist, gripping it tightly with his fingers and guiding my hand to his crotch before saying in a desire clogged voice, “That’s what I’ve had to sit with since I spoke to you earlier. Get in here and fix it.” He grins at me. Everett knows I need some release after the stressful week I’ve had. He is the only person who can do that for me. The world only consists of him and me, and as he drags off his shirt, I give the door a shove with my hand. As soon as I hear it click shut, I drop to my knees before him and quickly unzip his pants, my greedy lips wrapping around the thick head of his cock. Everett pulls the clip from my hair and grabs a handful in his fist. Suddenly, I’m not Reagan Quinn, CEO, I’m just Reagan, needing to blow off some steam. He delves his fingers further into my hair and controls my movements.

I love every minute of it.



I love staring out over the New York skyline. It reminds me how far I’ve come. I cross my arms over my chest and suck in a deep breath, preparing for the next applicant. It’s not been a good day so far. I’ve interviewed three people and none of them have been up to my standards of perfection.

I had specific orders for Steven—they had to be outstanding. Does he even know that word?

There are so many other things I need to do be doing.

A sharp knock sounds on my door. I shout, “Enter,” knowing it’s Steven with the next applicant. The door opens and a blonde, well dressed woman follows him in. The skirt is a little short for an interview, but I try to see past that.

Steven introduces her to me, and I invite her to take a seat. We get the niceties out of the way and begin the process once more.

The interview has been going on for more than fifteen minutes and we haven’t even gotten to the main interview questions, she’s just rambling on about herself, looking around the room, never at me. The more she speaks, the more she’s boring the shit out of me. She has this goofy, happy look on her face as she speaks about her family and her kids, and how little Toby has just started walking.

Shuffling through the pages of her resume in front of me, I go back through her qualifications and achievements. She’s never been a PA, only a secretary. How the hell did she make it to the top five? I need to cut this short. The first strike was the inappropriate clothing, the second strike, she won’t make eye contact.

I need someone proficient, who shows initiative, not someone who is going to fly off into their own little dreamland at any given moment. I’m not the easiest to work for, I know that

She’s definitely not the person for me or this company. Grabbing my red pen, I draw a line through her name and look up. As soon as she takes a breath, I cut in before she can go on.

“Rebecca, thank you so much for coming in today.” I push up from my chair and reach my hand across the width of the desk. She quickly stands and shakes my hand in a loose grip. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I’ve seen all the applicants.” Walking around the desk, I stand at the glass door and open it for her.

“Thank you so much for seeing me, Ms. Quinn.”

“You’re welcome.” With a nod and a grin, I stand aside and let her pass by.

I close the door and survey my large corner office, a little bit of pride bubbling up in me. I’ve worked for Hicks Life Solutions for ten years. I started as a PA and worked my way to the top of the food chain.

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