Page 35 of Anagram

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I smile. Not because he is in front of me, and not because of the flowers, but because he’s doing what I asked a couple of weeks ago. He’s giving me the more that I wanted.

“Have you been told about this dinner party at the Plaza next Saturday?”

“Yes,” I sigh. “Do I have to go?”

“Well,” he wraps his arms around me, “if you want to please your boss, you’ll have to. You know that since Terry will be there, you’ll be expected to be there.”

“Great.” I look away, through the glass, and catch Margie watching us. I attempt to smile but it comes out more like a grimace. Why is she watching us? I step out of Everett’s embrace and step back. I don’t feel right doing this in front of her for some reason.

“We can make it fun. Do you want me to come over later?”

I don’t hesitate to answer. “Yes.” I smile at him but stay on my side of the desk.

“See you later.”He pulls on the door, throws me a wink and leaves while I sink back into my chair.



Why does she get everything?

I wonder what it would be like to be Reagan Quinn.

She has Everett Brooks running around after her like a dog in heat. It is rather embarrassing. But still, it must be good to be that powerful, to be loved that much.

Folding my arms across my chest I realize that to get what I actually want in this business; I need to be more like her. No not like her–better than her.

I open Reagan’s mail and put aside what needs her immediate attention and everything else that I can deal with later. One piece of mail is an official invite for an annual ball. I expect it’ll be accountants, shareholders, and the most boring of bureaucrats. But if I can get there, I may be able to get myself noticed. I look into Reagan’s office again and see that she’s still talking to Everett. Maybe I could get him to notice me? I need to get in Reagan’s head, her world. I have to show her what it’s like to be the odd one out. The one that gets walked all over no matter what she does. I watch Everett saunter from the office. He turns slightly and lifts a hand to me. “See you soon Margie.”

“Bye Mr Brooks.”

It’s time to put my plan into action.



“I need you to come shopping with me,” I say to Ruby.

“What, why?”

“I need a ball gown. Please,” I beg, hoping the pout that I’m currently wearing will help sway her.

“Can’t you take Margie? I fucking hate shopping.” My best friend can be so dramatic. “No, scrap that, I hate shopping with you.”

“Me? Why?” I frown, pouring more wine into both of our glasses. “Okay don’t answer that, I know why, but you’re my friend you should want to help me.”

“But you have issues. Like Rachel Green shopping issues.”

I gasp. “I’m not that bad,” I mumble, sulking. “Please? I’ll buy you lunch?” I’ll bribe her with anything to get her to come with me.

“You’re such a suck up.”

“I can’t take Margie.” The pout returns full force, I even give her the puppy dog eyes. “I need someone who has an eye. Please help me.”

“Reagan, you don’t need help to shop, you could practically sponsor Saks.”

“Ha-ha, you’re so funny,” I deadpan.

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