Page 12 of Anagram

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Just the smell of the French pastry has me salivating, and I can’t wait to dig in. I take a big bite of the croissant and my back hits the chair as I sigh in pure pleasure. It doesn’t take me long to finish it, and I’m soon getting back to work.

Picking up the receiver I ring through to Margie, she picks up almost instantly. I smile to myself. Her efficiency is remarkable. “Margie can you pop into my office please and bring a notepad.” Placing it back down I pull a chair around for her. After a soft knock on my door she comes in with a gentle smile and steps up to the desk.

“You called Ms. Quinn.”

“Why don’t you come and take a seat and I’ll show you some of the business side of Hicks Lifestyle. This will make you sharper in your job and know what to look out for in clients.”

I run through some of business associates and show her the requirements for each one. She takes everything in and makes notes. I know we’ll be just fine with her.

Finally, it seems I’ve found a decent assistant.

After a long but productive day, I start packing up my desk.

“Are you sure, Ms. Quinn? I don’t mind staying longer.”

“You know, Margie, usually I’d say yes, but I’ve been here since six, and I rarely go home before seven, I’m taking advantage of the extra time and going to see my family.” I find myself smiling at her. It’s something I’ve never really done with the staff, so I’m in unfamiliar territory. At the mention of family her chin drops, and a frown settles between her brows, instantly making me regret sharing my plans. She soon smooths her features into a polite smile, and with a nod she leaves my office and goes back to her desk. Nothing like putting my foot in my mouth. Fuck! How could I be so heartless? I feel a little sorry for her that she has nowhere to go other than an empty house. I find myself wanting to find out what happened to her parents, the rest of her family.

I look up in time to see Margie with her bag on her shoulder, arranging her desk for tomorrow. I scurry to stop her before she leaves. “Margie…”

She turns and looks at me over her shoulder. “Yes, Ms. Quinn?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t even think.” I sigh, shaking my head at my stupidity.

“Oh, don’t be silly, it’s fine. I’m used to it now; it’s been a long time.” Her smile is sad as she turns and begins walking to the door.

“See you tomorrow.”

Lifting a hand in a wave she leaves.

Still quietly berating myself for putting my foot in it, I go back to my desk to gather my belongings before getting out of here for the day.

Every Tuesday, the family and I have dinner and spend some quality time together. I could never promise more than that, what with being so busy with work, and they’re okay with it. Mom does a good old-fashioned roast with all the trimmings.

I have a paternal aunt who couldn’t have children, Mom was an only child, and both sets of grandparents aren’t with us anymore, so we’re a really tight knit family. They were so supportive when I started my career, and when I became CEO, they were so proud. I loved seeing the look on their faces when they’d tell their friends that I’m chief executive of a leading pharmaceutical company.

Grabbing my bag from the passenger seat, I get out, and once the car is locked, I let myself into my mom’s house.

“Oh, here she is.” Mom pops her head around the door and smiles. “I didn’t think you were coming for a minute.”

“It’s Tuesday, of course I’d be here. I can’t miss my roast, Mom.” I smirk and kiss her cheek, then pull her in for a tight squeeze. With her arm still wrapped around my waist, we walk into the living room.

“So, how’s life in the corporate world, Reagan?”

“Oh, you know, busy; dog eat dog, or so they say.”

“It’s good to be busy. Go sit down, dinner won’t be long.”

Mom leaves me to go into the kitchen and I walk over to the couch that my brother is sprawled out on. I drop my bag over the side smirking as I watch it lands on him.

“Ouch. I am here, you know.”

“Get your lazy ass up, then.”As soon as Hayden has swung his legs around and sat up, I plop down next to him. “How’re you doing?”

“I’m good.” It hasn’t been too long since his fiancée decided to break off their engagement. She left him with nothing but a huge amount of debt and a wedding to pay for. I offered him the money to help him out, but he wouldn’t take it. His theory was he got himself into the mess and he’d find his way out of it. I hate seeing him like this, he’s been so down and depressed.

A smirk appears on his lips as his fingers run over the keyboard on his phone, typing away furiously.

“What are you smirking at?” I ask in vain, knowing he won’t tell me.

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