Page 9 of The Reaper

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“Whether he would admit it and whether he knows it are two different things.”

I had no doubt that was true. My father loved control, and he held onto it tightly, but I think even he realized his sister was not going to take orders. It was why she didn’t really have any connection to the family business, even one he would deem appropriate for a woman.

“I do want to come home, mainly for a chance to see you.”

“I’ll visit you wherever you are once things are stable.”

“I’m not staying in bumfuck nowhere Texas, no matter how hot the guys are.”

“If this Rhys is the one for you, you’ll stay wherever he is.”

“I’ve met him once, and we argued the whole time.”

“I’ve heard worse starts to relationships.”

“Seriously, Van?”

“Just don’t close the door before you know where it could lead. And take care of yourself out there. I know Grant and his brothers are there to protect you, but you need to watch your own back.”

“You know I always do.”

“I love you, TJ.”

“I love you too, Aunt Van.”

I ended the call.

I knew she wanted the best for me, but I was not going to let her matchmaking tendencies get into my head. Everyone thought I was at the ranch because my father wanted to keep me safe after I made too many kills too fast and angered our enemies.

The truth was, I’d only agreed to come here so I could figure out how to combat rival factions within the family. I also needed to prove for certain that my father wasn’t actually working against me, pushing me out so he could replace me with my cousin, at least until my brothers got older. The ranch gave me a place to lie low and figure out exactly what was going on in my family. I needed to discover my cousin’s motives and make sure he never got what he wanted.

The last thing I needed in my life was a relationship with an arrogant horse trainer who thought he was way better than anyone in my line of work. It didn’t matter one bit how fucking sexy he was or how much I wanted to lay him over the end of my bed, spank his ass, and fuck him until he couldn’t breathe.

* * *

The next morning, I told myself I was going to be a good little client. I’d stay in the house, do some research on my cousin’s latest movements, and find someone who could get deeper into my cousin’s phone records. So much for intentions. When I glanced out the window and saw Rhys bringing a horse in from the field, I stopped being able to think of anything but him. I was hard as fuck, which made me uncomfortable and annoyed.

I considered Rogue’s suggestion of relieving some tension with some cowboy porn, but I would only think about Rhys as I watched it. He was the only man I wanted, and if I started letting him be my secret fantasy, I was only going to want him more. Seeing him again, watching him on a horse all sweaty and Texas-y would be just as bad, but before I could stop myself, I was headed downstairs and out the door.

Rhys was in what Grant had referred to as the riding arena, working with a horse on a long lead. The horse was shaking her head restlessly and pawing the ground. Was he taming the beast? I imagined him trying to tame me and decided I wouldn’t mind that at all.

I walked up to the ring, rested my elbows on the rail, and watched. I could tell Rhys sensed someone was there, but he kept his eyes on the horse, obviously confident whoever had arrived didn’t mean him harm.

When he’d gotten the horse to follow his orders and take a full circle around the ring, I saw him note my presence. He raised his brows as the horse passed in front of me, but he didn’t acknowledge me further until the animal had once again obeyed his commands for a full circle. “I thought I told you to stay away from here.”

“You did.”

“I’m working.”

“I see that. I’m watching.”

“I’m not putting on a show for spectators. I’m working with a horse who has no training, and I don’t need you distracting her.”

“I think it might be you who’s distracted. The horse doesn’t seem to mind me.”

Color infused Rhys’s face. “I don’t want you watching. Go back to the house where you’re supposed to be.”

“I needed some fresh air, and I want to watch.”
