Page 8 of The Reaper

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“You never were any good at relaxing.”

“I can relax.”

“Your idea of relaxing is seeing how many hookups you can have in one night.”

“Aunt Van…”

“Am I wrong?”


“Enjoy the quiet. Read a damn book. It would probably be good for you. Or meet someone, like really meet someone. What about Grant and his brothers? Any prospects there?”

I wanted to put her off, but I was sure she’d keep probing until she got the full answer out of me. She always did. “Well, there is one, one of the twins I mean.”

“Twins? Ooh. I’d forgotten there were twins there. They’re identical, aren’t they?”

“They are, but I can tell them apart, or at least I could after I met Rhys.”

“Tell me more.”

“Obviously, they’re both hot since they look alike, but Rhys, well, he’s kind of an ass.”

“And he’s the prospect, right?”

Rather than giving a direct response, I said, “He be a hell of a challenge, and he made it very clear he’s not interested.”

“Really not interested or the-lady-doth-protest-too-much not interested?”

“I think it’s answer number two, but the jury is still out.”

“Go with your instincts. You need a challenge.”

I knew she was right, but I wanted to argue anyway. “I don’t need to start anything while I’m here, especially not anything that could be more than just a hookup.” And Rhys would definitely be more than just a hook up. “I’d probably be safer going for the other twin.”

“Since when do you care about safe?”

“Since I’m thousands of miles from home and planning to make my stay here as short as possible.”

“Are you really that eager to come back?”

It wasn’t like I was homesick exactly, but like it or not, I was part of the family business. It was all I’d ever known. “I don’t intend to sit around here for the rest of my life.”

“Sounds like if you play your cards right, there won’t be a lot of sitting involved.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m not giving you details.”

“I don’t need them. Now whether I need a cowboy of my own is another story?”

“Didn’t you just say you don’t want a man to tell you what to do?”

“That doesn’t mean I couldn’t have a little fun if I came to visit.”

“Dad would never let you do that.”

She huffed. “Your father is not the boss of me.”

“Is he aware of that?”
