Page 46 of Sultry Oblivion

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I smiled as I caressed his cheek, my fingers trailing down his jaw. “I know it’s going to be a hit. The lyrics are gorgeous, the melody hauntingly beautiful.”

He gripped my waist and lifted me to straddle his thighs. “You’re beautiful.”

He brushed his lips over mine. Once, and then again. I melted. All thoughts of talking to Nash about my mother’s will vanished under his soft lips and nimble fingers. I cried out in pleasure, peaking twice before Nash carried me to his bed.

I woke the next morning determined to talk to him. We were happy, we were in love. We could discuss and discard my mother’s strange demands. I mean, it’s not like we needed the money. We’d just ignore the clause, go about our business, and lots of charities would benefit. It would have no bearing on our decision whether or not to have children. I would make sure Nash understood that.

But he was already gone—back in the studio, his note said. I sighed, shoulders sagging.

Jenna called before I made it out of the bedroom.

“Hey, girlie. Kate and I thought we’d go shopping after lunch, then hit up happy hour—well, mocktail hour for preggers-me—before we need to meet the guys at the show.”

Cam and Rye were bringing their wives to Nash’s intimate performance at Antone’s in an effort to ensure Maddox had the band’s cues down before they restarted their postponed touring from when Nash had gone to rehab.

My nerves jangled, but I smiled. This wouldn’t be like the last time Nash and I were together before a tour. We were more mature now and knew what we wanted. We’d been working hard on this.

“Um…yeah, sure,” I told her. “I finish with my classes at one.”

“Great! We’ll swing by to collect you on campus, then. Does that work?”

I heaved out a long breath; I really needed their advice. “I love that idea.”

“Thought you might. So, who’s your shadow? Be sure to tell ’em you’re riding with us to the show.”

“Steve, I think. He’s been bored around the house.”

“You’re trying to get Nash to talk to him?”

“No. I’ve mentioned it, but Nash hates manipulation, so I’m leaving it alone. He’s been through so much, Jenna. I don’t want to bring up bad memories. It needs to be his decision when he’s ready to do it.”

“With a childhood like Nash’s, it’s all a minefield. I think you can encourage without manipulating…” Jenna didn’t sound convinced. “But either way, Steve should see his son perform, so that’s good.”

“Is there a dress code to this place?” I asked. “I mean, I know we’re going shopping, but if I don’t find anything to wear, I need to be ready.”

Jenna chuckled. “Honey, this is Austin. Jeans are pretty much a given for all occasions.”

I smiled. “Show me what you’re wearing, then.”

She hung up, then called back with the video feature. She twirled, showing off her cute jean skirt that hit just above her knee on the right side and slid down to mid-calf on the left. Her maternity top was soft chenille in a dark rose that cinched in tight under her large bump before following the line of her skirt. She’d paired it with black cowboy boots.

I nodded. “I like the vibe. Casual but still elegant.”

Jenna laughed. “If that’s what you want to call it. I consider it comfortable, especially now that I’m carrying around a bowling ball.”

I carried her with me to my closet. “That, too.”

I flipped through my clothes and chatted with her before settling on a pair of denim capri pants and a white, gauzy top with chunky-heeled sandals, which I tossed in a bag to put on later. The engineering students would see me in jeans and a tee, as they did most days. I said goodbye and headed off to class.

“You clean up good, Aya,” Jenna said as I slid into the back of her SUV a few hours later, thankful to be out of the oppressive August heat.

Steve took the extra seat in the front, next to Chuck.

“Thanks. Probably those years in high society.” I tossed Jenna a smile so she knew I was teasing. I rolled my scarf length-wise, then folded it in half and twisted. I settled it at the top of my head as Jenna grabbed my hair, tugging the long expanse away from my head so I could knot the ends of the scarf, which still dangled down to my shoulder. She let my hair fall as Kate wolf whistled.

Kate leaned around Jenna so I could see her face. “Nash is a lucky devil. You’re one hot lady, Aya,” she said with a wink.

I grinned. “You know, I’ve smiled more since being here than I did all the years I was in England.”

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