Page 45 of Sultry Oblivion

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I turned to face her, our noses millimeters apart. “I’m making up for lost time.”



The next day, Nash announced that he was moving me back into his house and his bed, telling me he couldn’t stand another lonely night. I wasn’t sure of the wisdom of this, but now that we’d been together again, there was no putting out that flame. Nash had been back in my life for months now, and I didn’t want to go to bed alone anymore either.

So now I stood on the front porch of the Graces’ big house, soaking in a long hug from Mama Grace while Nash, Steve, and his bodyguards brought down my suitcases and other new clothes.

“Have you talked to him about the will?” Mama asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t know how.”

“When the time’s right,” she said with a smile, but it seemed a bit forced. “Maybe I was wrong, Aya. Don’t hold back too long. Just be honest, and he should understand.”

I remained quiet on the way back to Nash’s place, trying to figure out how to bring up my mother’s will. I didn’t want him angry with my mum, but the longer I waited, the more I worried about him seeing this as a form of manipulation. Ultimately, the clause mattered not one bit. I just needed him to see that.

So I needed to tell him. Soon.

I collected Mayet once we entered the house, cuddling her close in an effort to subdue my anxiety. She wiggled from my arms when we reached Nash’s room, and she and Jigsaw tripped over each other while Nash positioned my suitcase near his closet. I set to work, and when my clothes were put away, Nash scooped up a kitten in each hand.

“They’re awesome little deviants,” he said, rubbing his cheek against Jigsaw’s fur, then Mayet’s.

I reached for Jigsaw and cuddled him to my chest, enjoying the deep purr.

Nash stepped in closer, angling his body toward mine. “You belong here.”

I tilted my head, exposing my parted, waiting lips as well as my neck to Nash’s hungry gaze. “Do I?”

“Mmm… Yes.”

My lips twitched into a grin. “You going to show me how much?”

He narrowed his eyes as he pressed his hips to mine. My smile grew. “That seems like a lot.”

Nash set Mayet down and took Jigsaw from me. With a soft pat to their heads, he turned back, gathering me in his arms. I ran my fingers through the short hairs at the nape of his neck.

“I’d stay inside you all day if you’d let me,” he mumbled.

My breath hitched as I envisioned his plan.

“Ay, you’re supposed to be the voice of reason.”

“Well, I can’t be. I want you too much.”

He kissed along the column of my throat. “I want you, too.”

The next week passed with us focused solely on each other, but then real life intruded. As much as Nash didn’t like it, he needed to attend band rehearsal. He, Bridger, and Jax had hired a new bass player named Maddox, who needed time with the guys to see if they’d click.

I listed Nash’s rising anxiety among my reasons for not bringing up my mum’s will.

More days passed, and I went to my classes while Nash and his bandmates recorded three songs for their fourth album, so each day was busier than the last.

He flopped down on the couch in the library next to me at about ten one night, exhausted but his face glowing with excitement. “We laid down an amazing track today,” he said, turning to look at me. His eyes were alight, the storms nonexistent.

I set aside my textbook and moved closer, resting my cheek on his shoulder and my hand on his chest. “Which one?”

“‘Breaking with Dawn.’ It’s bad juju to say it’s going to be a hit. Otherwise I would.”

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