Page 11 of Sultry Oblivion

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Nash and Hugh continued to talk, unaware of my mini breakdown.

Hugh’s brows tugged together—not quite a frown but definitely his serious look. “What about the World’s Sexiest Man competition?”

“Not doing it,” Nash said.

“And the charity date that goes with it?”


“What about your trip to visit the animal shelter?”

I perked up. “When’s that?”

“Today at one.”

I clapped my hands together and turned to face Nash.

He sighed. “If you want to go, we’ll go. But you won’t like the reporters’ questions, and you won’t like what the press writes about you.”

My shoulders slumped. Much as I wanted to be brave, I always struggled with other people’s opinions, their derision.

Hugh tapped his chin. “Done right; I think we can spin this so the world sees you as star-crossed lovers and root for you. Some of the women will be jealous and try to drag you down, or at least say catty things about your looks, clothes, parentage, heritage—anything they can think of to make themselves feel better.”

“We don’t have to go,” Nash said.“I don’t want Aya hurt by me. Not again.”

His eyes were back to turbulent seas.

“And miss out on puppy and kitten snuggles?” I asked, though fear had settled like an angry knot in my belly.

Nash touched my cheek. “I don’t want you to be scared. Or hurt by what people write. It doesn’t matter to me.”

My throat felt tight. “It does to me,” I whispered. When Nash opened his mouth, I placed my fingers over his lips. “I’ve lived with constant mean comments. I don’t know which is worse—the press or Holyoke. Either way, they hurt me. Yes, it makes me feel better to know you never meant to hurt me. But I’m…I’m working on the rest of it. Still, I don’t want to hide. We have to move forward.”

Nash’s eyes remained dark. “I don’t ever want you hurt. Not if I can help it.”

I squeezed his hand. “When have the woulds and shoulds ever made the top-line category for other people?” I asked.

Hugh shook his head. “Not sure what that means, but I get the gist. I can tell you that you want to get ahead of this—own the narrative. We can do that right now, so going today is smart. Actually, it’s the best choice because it’ll be relatively low-key. While you’re there, I‘ll make some apologies and a hefty donation to get you out of the charity date and competition, so let’s get you two ready to rock and roll to the shelter in a couple of hours.”

The timeframe meant no time to explore each other’s bodies. Probably for the best, though my heart—and other body parts—already trembled with need for Nash. From the hooded look in his eyes, I’d have all that masculine power and broodiness over me, compelling me soon. My breath caught as memories leaped into my mind.

As soon as Nash loved me again, I’d be completely lost, under his spell. Completely. He still didn’t seem to understand what he did to me.



I’d planned to send Steve to the store to get things for Aya since she wanted to go to the shelter, but Jenna Grace showed up with bags of clothes before we rose from the breakfast table. Hugh had retreated to the room he’d set up as a home office to manage the growing media shitstorm around Aya’s appearance here in Austin.

Jenna bounced in, her blond ponytail swinging with some of her seemingly boundless energy. Her baby bump was larger than the last time I’d seen her. She smiled, which lit up her entire face, making her eyes dance.

“How’s it going, Aya? Glad you decided to come home.” She raised her eyebrows on the word, and something passed between the two women—something potent and important.

“Me, too,” Aya replied. She rose and hugged Jenna like a long-lost sister.

What the actual hell is going on? Jenna set Aya aside and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

She stepped back once more, her game face set. “Steve called last night and mentioned you’d shown up without a suitcase and that there was a press thing on Nash’s calendar today, so I gotcha covered, girl.” She added a wink.

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