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So, I’ve been sitting her contemplating the universe and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Jace was kind of a jerk. He doesn’t give off the warm and fuzzy vibes, which is a shame considering how snuggly he looks with all the hair on him. Okay, maybe not the canines and the claws, but I’m pretty sure I could work around those if it weren’t for his sparkling personality.

Not like I should want to get involved with a guy. It’s one of the things I promised myself when I moved here—I wouldn’t get involved with anyone anytime soon. I’m not ready.

Well, I thought I wasn’t ready and now my thoughts have been invaded by a wolfman with a chip on his shoulder who smells mouthwateringly amazing.

“Dakota,” the voice on the other side of the door has me hopping up and racing across the room to rip the door open.

“Jace,” I gasp. “What are you doing here?” I swallow hard and it feels like I can’t breathe for a moment. “Why is my heart racing so fast?” I look up at him, a plea in my voice, “Why do I want to bury my face in your chest and neck so I can smell you better and be soothed by you? Will you growl for me? I need it, which doesn’t make any damn sense and is starting to freak me out.”

He takes a step toward me and while my brain is screaming for me to take a step back, I’m stuck and unable to do anything other than see what his next move is. That was a lot of words I just let fly and I’m not sure where a lot of them came from.

The pull is back and it’s leading me right to Jace. Something is screaming inside of me to trust, to let go, to launch myself at him. Which I don’t understand considering I don’t know him, and he wasn’t exactly welcoming earlier.

Before I can do anything that my instincts or my rational thought are screaming, Jace wraps his arms around me and hauls me up his body. His hand, the one with the claws, is surprisingly gentle as he directs my face to the crook of his neck. When I take a deep breath of his forest and apple scent, it calms me and soothes the edges of my soul in a way I’ve never felt before.

I mumble against his skin, “What are you doing?”

“I’m not entirely sure, little mate, but I’ve spent the last few years fighting every moment because of what I’ve become. I’ve ignored a lot of my instincts, but when it comes to you that just isn’t possible,” the low timbre of his voice rumbles through me.

“What do your instincts say about me?”

Where the fuck did that question come from? Why do I care? What the hell is going on? And did he call me ‘little mate’? What does that mean?

“My instincts tell me that you’re the other half of me. The woman I’ll lay my life down for. The only person who can let happiness into my heart and my existence. You’re,” he takes a deep breath without a single clue how deeply his words have struck me as tears are welling up in my eyes, “everything I fear the most and crave with everything in me.”

I whimper softly, somehow his closeness not enough. His body is so warm and yet I want to feel him pressed against my skin. All consuming passion fills me and it’s impossible to ignore.

“That’s beautiful.” I whisper, “I want to be that.”

Jace’s hands slide down my waist to grip my ass as he hauls me up a little higher, unfazed by the weight of my body. My legs wrap around him to stabilize myself even though everything is screaming inside me that he won’t ever drop me. I know it the same way I know how to breathe, or my heart knows to beat.

It’s strange. Really fucking strange.

Still, something was telling me to come here, to this town, and I can’t deny the pull I feel. To him. My wolfman.

“You already are,” he rasps.

When I pull back and look up into his eyes, they’re swirling with more yellow than green, the look he’s giving me speaking without words. It’s feral wildness. It’s howling pleasure. It’s unending forever.

“Jace,” I whimper, “kiss me.”

He doesn’t need to be told twice. His lips slam down against mine. At first there’s a softness and a feeling of exploration. When his lips pry mine open, his tongue which is a little rough, but not enough to be off-putting, slides against my own. My pussy gushes with the thought of him licking my clit with his tongue.

I moan into his mouth as his hands squeeze my ass, his claws a delicious threat. They’re right there. He could hurt me, but I know he won’t. I know he couldn’t live with himself if he did. I don’t know why I know, but I do.

“You’re mine,” he growls, and I can’t help myself when I start grinding against him.

“I’m yours,” the words come feel natural and right.

This is a strange day. Did I just meet him earlier today for the first time? Why do we have so many clothes on?

A rumbled chuckle comes out of him. “I don’t know, little mate, but we can rectify the clothing situation.”

I yank back from him, panting, as I look up at him with wide eyes. “Did I say that out loud?”

Jace smirks, he fucking smirks, as a lock of his brown hair falls forward and covers one of his eyes as he puts me down. Everything about Jace felt heavy earlier, but now he seems lighter. I don’t think, I just grab his t-shirt, turn, and lead him to my bedroom.

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