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I look out over the shop, a smile tugging at my lips when Hadley crosses the room and locks the door behind the last customer of the day. “I’m just going to be sad to see them leave.”

Jace purrs and sways with me a little, soothing me and making all the stress from the day melt away. “I know, but it’s not goodbye forever. It’s clear how much you mean to each other.”

“She’s my sister, but not by blood,” I whisper, and the vibration of his purr increases against my back. “I know we’re where we’re supposed to be, and I’m glad we are. I’m just going to miss her.”

“How about you come out to the cabin tonight.” I turn in his arms and open my mouth to protest, but he kisses me instead. He murmurs against my lips, “Just for one night. There’s something I want to show you and I think they’d like a little time alone as well.”

When I look over, I see Luke has Hadley in his arms as Brock steps up to her back, sandwiching my best friend between them. I can see the heat in the eyes of her men from here and I bite my lip to keep from giggling. I have more than enough with my wolfman, but, damn, my friend is lucky.

“Okay,” I mutter and pout at Jace which causes him to chuckle under his breath.

We all work together to clean up and close the shop, an energy buzzing between us that you only get after going after something and seeing it through. It’s joyous and I never want to go without this feeling.

When we’re heading out, the guys file out first and I pull Hadley back. “I’m going to go to Jace’s cabin for the night so you can have some time with your guys.”

She whines, “But I want to spend time with you.”

“I know, but they need you and I know you need them.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, and we both erupt in giggles. “Also, there’s something Jace wants to show me.”

I shrug as if it’s no big deal when I’m almost jumping out of my skin with curiosity. Jace looks back at me through the window and smirks. He knows exactly what I’m feeling, and I send him a little needy sexual energy at him just to rile him up.

From the way his eyes swirl with a little more yellow, it works.

“Fine,” Hadley whines, but I know damn well that spending time with her men is not a hardship. “We’re still here a few more days.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll kick the guys out tomorrow night and have a girl’s night,” I promise.

When I go to open the door, this time she’s the one to pull me back. Her eyes are earnest as she looks at me. “I’m so damn proud of you, Dakota.” She waves around the shop. “You did an amazing job with this place, you’ve hired some great people, and the town has really embraced you. I know you’re going to make this work and I can’t thank you enough for doing it and encouraging me to stay with the guys. I hate being away from you, but it’s where I should be.”

I pull her into a hug. “I know and this is where I should be. As long as you keep making new treats, I’ll keep this side of things going. We’re a team.”

When we pull out of the hug, both of us have tears in our eyes which cause us to burst into laughter at how silly we’re being. I wouldn’t have it any other way with my best friend.

After saying goodbye and going our separate ways, it’s quiet in the Jeep as Jace drives us to his place. It’s not awkward or uncomfortable and I take the time to process how amazing my move to Screaming Woods has been.

Now I understand it was Jace pulling me here. I don’t know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t listened to my instincts. I don’t know if I would be as happy as I am if Jace hadn’t listened to his.

It might not have been perfect since there was a lot of fumbling around at the beginning, but I’m content with how it all worked out. The future in front of us is pretty damn bright.

“I’m going to do it,” I drop the bomb in the silent space between us.

Jace’s head jerks around to mine. His voice is a mixture of hope and apprehension, “You’re going to drink the anti-aging thing?”

I nod slowly and lick my lips. “I’ve been thinking a lot about it. I don’t want to get older and then, someday, die before you. I have no idea what it would do to you with our bond. I also can’t deal with the thought of having kids with you, especially if they turn out to be like you, and leaving them behind too early.”

“You want to have kids?” His voice cracks, “With me?”

I reach over and give his arm a squeeze. “Of course. I love you, Jace. You’re my mate and I’m all in.”

“I wish I wasn’t driving right now so I could kiss you until I can smell the sweet scent of your pussy filling the air,” he grumbles, the words full of petulance, but they still make me shift in my seat and rub my thighs together to get some relief.

When we pull up to Jace’s cabin, he’s quick to hop out and come around to my side. He yanks me hard against him, his hands gripping my cheeks and, like always, being careful of his claws. When he kisses me this time, it’s like I can feel the light of the moon shining down on me and making me glow from the inside out.

“I can’t wait for you to be pregnant,” he growls against my lips, and I melt against him.

“I can’t wait either.”

I know some people might wait for a ring or a wedding, but we don’t need them. The connection between us is so much stronger than that. I can feel it with every breath, every heartbeat. The bond between us is a living thing. It fuels us and takes from us, pulling us together even before we understood what it was.

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