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Knot her.

It whispers through my mind and my instincts take over. The base of my cock balloons and locks into place inside of my mate and Dakota’s eyes roll back into her head. I roar as the first jet of my cum fills her.

I don’t know if it’s my knot, my cum, or just how fucking good it feels, but I can feel another orgasm run through her body. As I grind my pelvis against her clit, I strike without thinking about it. My instincts calling for me to bite her, claim her.

My teeth sink into her skin, the same spot which has been calling to me. I can’t be denied now. The moment I taste her blood on my tongue, I growl and sink my teeth a little deeper. Something inside of me snaps into place and I can feel how much pleasure I’ve just given her.

As I finish coming, I pull my teeth out of my mate and lap at the wound there, cleaning it, my feral nature pushing me. Dakota lets out a little sound of contentment as she snuggles into me after I roll us to the side. Her breathing evens out and the little puffs of air against my chest tells me she's fallen asleep.

When I try and slide out of her to get us cleaned up, I don’t budge. Panic starts to bloom inside of me but is quickly shut down by the inherent knowledge that this is how it’s supposed to happen. At least, with me the way I am now and with my mate.

I watch my beautiful mate, my eyes traveling over her and taking solace in the way she wraps herself around me. It feels so close to acceptance, but I’m afraid of trusting it completely. My eyes stray to the mark on her neck, somehow almost completely healed.

The evidence of my claim on her has my chest puffing up and a low purr rattling around behind my ribs. I’ve never felt more whole, more connected to the monster I am. It’s a nice change considering I’ve been fighting so much of my nature in the years since the party.

You try accepting being turned into a monster and see how well you fare.

Dakota stirs against me and her eyes pop open. When she looks at me, the fear and uncertainty there has my heart clenching. I can feel her panic and I wish I could take it away, but how can I when I’m the one who caused it?

“Jace,” there’s a thread of something too close to horror for my liking in her voice.

She tries to pull away from me but can’t because we’re still locked together. Her eyes widen as she looks down at us. When a whimper escapes her lips, my knot finally goes down enough for me to slip free.

She leaps off the bed, her eyes wide and wild. “What the hell was that? Were we just locked together?” She gasps and her hand flies up to where I bit her and the only saving grace, I’m pretty sure, is that it’s not bleeding anymore. There’s an accusation in her voice, “You bit me.”

I get off the bed slowly, my arms aching to wrap around her and hold her close, soothe her, tell her it’s all going to be okay. I take a step toward her, needing the connection, but stop when she holds her hands up.

“Little mate,” I rumble, but she shakes her head.

“Wait, just wait a moment,” her voice is high and tight. I don’t like it at all.

I rub my chest where I feel the connection to her. It’s more than a pull now. It’s like a golden rope binding us together. The fear she’s feeling almost takes me to my knees.

“You don’t need to be afraid, Dakota,” my voice is soft. “I’ll never hurt you.”

“You bit me,” she snarls.

“I’m sorry,” I coo and even though everything in me is telling me to go to her, I hold myself back. “I’m not really sure what this is or what happened, but I think it’s part of you being my mate.”

“We were stuck together.”

I nod slowly. “I wish I could give you answers,” I tell her honestly, “but I don’t have any. It’s not like I got a manual for how to be a wolfman. I didn’t understand the pull between us, but when I went and spoke with Dr. Karloff, he gave me some ideas based on lore and told me to follow my instincts.”

“You followed your instincts, and they led you to being locked inside of me and biting me?” Her words are measured and slow, as if she’s trying to process everything.

I rub the back of my neck, uncertainty swirling inside of me. Not about her; never about her. I’m just uncertain about what I did and what it means for the future.

Fear grips me. What if she doesn’t want me now? What if she rejects the way we are bound together? I can’t explain it, but I know if she did it would be worse than death.

I don’t think I can handle anything else being taken from me. It’s already been too much as it is. But losing her? No, I can’t do it.

Dakota gasps and presses a hand to her chest, her eyes rounding as she looks at me. She whispers, “Is this your fear I’m feeling?”

I run my hands through my hair and let out a sigh, my shoulders slumping. “I think so. I can feel your emotions as well. I don’t understand it. I can’t tell you why this is happening, but I know how it felt to be with you, locked with you. It felt so fucking right.” When I look at her, I hope she can see the pleading in my eyes for her to understand. “I felt whole for the first time in so long.”

“I felt the same way,” she concedes, her voice small.

“I know I’m grumpy and gruff.” I take a chance and take a step closer to her, feeling the walls around her soften just a little bit. “I know I’m,” I wave my hand to indicate my body, “a monster.”

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