Page 85 of Worth a Chance

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I would remind myself that friends with benefits didn’t have sleepovers with kids, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.



The key to Brooke was coming at her from all angles. We were obviously compatible in bed, and I needed to remind her that we were friends outside of it, too. We initially connected through Cammie and Hunter. But if I wanted her to see that we could be together and have a real relationship, there was no better way than to show her a regular night at home.

I didn’t usually let Cammie watch movies outside or sleep in a tent, but it was the only excuse I could find to invite Brooke. A movie night would have been okay, but I wanted something more.

Plus, Cammie had been so excited when I mentioned the possibility, and she’d wanted to invite Hunter. She’d said it was only fair to return the favor, and I couldn’t agree more. I knew Abby would be more comfortable if her sister were there, too.

I took Cammie to the grocery store to get everything she thought we needed for a good time—candy, marshmallows, chocolate, ice cream, and all the fixings. I was able to distract her long enough to get some things for dinner, too. Homemade pizzas would hopefully hit the spot.

As the time neared for Brooke to come over with Hunter, my nerves picked up. I wanted it to go well. I needed Brooke to give me a chance, though it was probably too much to hope that she’d tell me why she was so gun shy with men.

I wanted to make her so comfortable that she let go with me.

“Is it time yet?” Cammie asked as I prepared the dough for the pizzas. Glancing at the clock above the stove, I said, “Any minute now.”

“Yes!” She ran to the front window to look out, and a few seconds later, she called, “They’re here!”

She ran to pull open the door, and I didn’t reprimand her because I could see Brooke’s car in the driveway. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and went to stand behind Cammie.

“You want to see the tent?” Cammie asked as Hunter got out.

That was all he needed to take off past us, Cammie racing after him.

Brooke got out more slowly.

“Do you need help with your things?” I asked, already moving to the back of her car.

“Yeah, that would be great.” Brooke popped her trunk. She wore leggings and a T-shirt, which was deceptively casual yet sexy in the way it clung to her curves. Discreetly adjusting myself, I grabbed the sleeping bags, and Brooke took the pillows.

“Thanks for inviting Hunter. He’s so excited.”

“I have to enjoy these years when my daughter will play with a boy, and I don’t have to worry.”

“An overnight even,” Brooke said with a mischievous smile.

“Yeah, those are even more dangerous.” I winked at her. We may have been talking about the kids, but I was thinking about her.

I followed her inside, setting her things by the slider to the outside. “Hopefully, the tent will keep them busy for a few minutes.”

We could see the tent rocking, so they must have been running around inside.

“This is quite the setup with the tent, blow-up screen, and projector.”

“Don’t forget the pizza.” I pointed to the island where the two pies were waiting.

“I didn’t realize you were cooking.” Brooke’s expression was unreadable.

I gave her an affable smile. “My parents are eating out then going to a movie. And it’s just pizza. Something I can’t screw up.”

I’d wanted to impress her with my ability to cook but not go overboard because it wasn’t a date. Not exactly. I was wooing her in the most subtle way possible.

I poured the sauce on the two pies, smoothing it with the back of a spoon, then sprinkled shredded mozzarella over them.

Brooke ran her hands through her hair. “Do you think we should call them in to help with the toppings?”
