Page 40 of Worth a Chance

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“I’m not so sure.”

“Let me get this straight. Ben Monroe kissed you like a boss, and you don’t want a repeat.”

“It’s a bad idea.”

“It can’t just be because of one newspaper article.”

I sighed. Should I tell her everything? I needed to talk to someone, and she was the best bet besides Abby. “I can’t trust his motives. Is he trying to distract me, throw me off my game so I won’t market my business?”

Hailey just looked at me. “Are you listening to yourself? Is this about Levi?”

“You know my history.” Even if I wanted to trust someone new, Ben wasn’t the safe choice.

“You can’t just not try with anyone ever again because of one asshole. Just make sure you confirm citizenship before you move forward.”

“It’s not just that. I can’t trust anyone, especially not Ben.”

“What are you worried about?”

“He’s not a friend. I’ve always viewed him as an enemy. It’s different.”

“I get that, but trust is taking a leap sometimes. It’s doing something that feels good and hoping the other person is on the same page as you. You won’t know if you don’t try. If you keep yourself closed off.”

“Yeah, maybe.” The thought of trying something with Ben was attractive, especially after that kiss, but I just couldn’t go there. It was too scary. What if it blew up in my face? It wouldn’t just be me that was hurt. It would be my business and my reputation in the community. It would be embarrassing. I couldn’t handle that again.

“I know you’re ashamed of what happened with Levi, but it wasn’t your fault. You should be able to trust your boyfriend, the guy who asks you to marry him. You were planning a future together. You had no reason to think he wasn’t genuine.”

“Sometimes, I wonder.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.”

I looked out the window, wishing I could take the rest of the day off. “I should talk to Abby about it.”

Hailey shook her head. “I know she’s your sister, but that’s not a good idea. She’s been hurt just as badly as you have.”

“She’s pretty cynical,” I admitted.

“Your parents have been married for a long time; you have friends in good relationships.”

“Will I ever be whole again? Or will I always be the girl afraid to move on?”

Hailey was quiet for so long that I worried she wouldn’t answer. “I hope you will. I’m here for you, no matter what.”

“Thanks, you’re a good friend.” I hugged her, and then we launched into our plans for the week for the coffee shop and the possibility of the wine market. I needed to focus on anything else besides Ben Monroe. Maybe the kiss was a fluke, a one-time thing, and nothing would come of it. One could only hope.



Afew patrons were working on their laptops in the seating area, but the rush had subsided.

Christopher gestured at the rolled-up newspaper on the counter. “I read about you and Brooke. It was cute,” he said. I glared at him, but he just smiled, adding, “Two kids with competing lemonade stands grow up to open coffee shops in the same small town. It’s a great story.”

“For someone else, maybe. Not for me.”

Christopher’s eyes narrowed. “What’s with you two, anyway?”

“Nothing,” I said, even as my mind and body flashed back to the kiss last night.
