Page 168 of To Make Matters Worse

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“You don’t have to thank me for falling in love with you. I would have done that any day.”

“Even if my knees look like children’s faces?”

Charlie laughed. “This is an emotional moment, and you bring up that?”

“Sorry, I had to break the tension somehow,” she wiped at her eyes. “But I’m not leaving. Not ever. You get to have it all.”

“I was going to have it all either way,” he said, smiling. “As long as you said yes.”

“I will always say yes. I love you too. Even though you’re Charlie Davis.”

Charlie laughed. “I’m torn between feeling lucky I have you and kind of insulted.”

“Yeah, that’s gonna be your future. We were enemies after all.”

Charlie laughed and pulled her into another kiss. Feeling his warm body against hers cemented that this was real. He was real, and they were doing this.

And she had a good feeling about it too.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Two Months Later

When Violet woke up, Charlie was behind her, with his arm slung over her waist.

She peered around at him, trying to see if he was awake, only to be met with a face full of Roo that left her coughing. She choked for a good minute before she finally was able to breathe again.

Charlie was awake and smiling at her, bemused.

“How did she weasel her way between us?” Violet asked as Roo left, presumably to go eat.

“She’s stubborn," Charlie said, he leaned down to kiss her jaw gently. “Just like someone else I know.”

A heat stirred in her and her eyes fluttered closed. Charlie’s mouth on her jaw was always how he signaled he wanted to take things further than a kiss, and lucky for him, she didn’t have anywhere to be until the afternoon.

Violet had slept in shorts and a tank top, and Charlie had on shorts and a shirt. Suddenly all of that felt like too much. She could feel an aching need for him to be able to touch more skin.

Charlie’s hand trailed down to gently cup her breast, and they moved at a slow pace. They kissed and touched, enjoying the slowness of a new morning.

Layers slowly came off as they leisurely kissed, and soon, Charlie was leaning back to ask permission, like he always did.

“You should get a condom," she said, kissing him again.

Violet pushed him off her, only to coax him into rolling onto his back when he had rolled the condom on. She straddled him then, sinking down on him slowly.

Violet brought him up to kiss her again and she slowly moved her hips. This was a position she had only done with Charlie, and it felt good each time she did it. Gone were the days she was shy in bed. Charlie made her feel empowered.

Eventually, his hips moved with hers, making a pleasurable rhythm that made heat pool in Violet’s lower body. There was something about the pressure of the movement that always excited her, making her come without so much as a touch from Charlie.

She kissed him through her orgasm, her body twitching with pleasure. Charlie let her ride it out until he rolled them over and fucked her with the intensity she loved.

And his intensity never waned. It gave her enough time to feel herself build again, and as he thrust into her, she came again, which was getting madly addicting.

Charlie followed right after her, tensing as he came with her name on his lips.

“Now that is how you wake up on a Saturday,” she said.

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