Page 166 of To Make Matters Worse

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Violet hit send on the email saying she wouldn’t be interested in the position. She was in her car, and she took a deep breath, trying and failing to calm her nerves.

It was the right move.

She was going to have to trust Charlie wouldn’t screw her over, which was somehow harder than leaving, but she had to stop treating everyone like an enemy.

Lindsay’s reply was immediate. Violet deleted the message without reading it. She didn’t even care to know. After that, she went on a walk in the cool weather, trying to calm her racing mind. Charlie was going to be happy she said no, and Violet knew Liv would be too, but she had to fight the feeling she failed somehow.

Unlearning things wasn’t linear. Sometimes you fell back into old habits and had to remind yourself what was right.

This was one of those moments.

Eventually, her emotions cleared, and her feelings faded, so she knew she could go home. Violet was going to be alone for a while, considering it was mid-day, and Charlie was at work.

But she wanted to be in the house. She wanted its familiar walls and warmth. She could tell Charlie the minute he got home, and hope he was okay with her decision to stay.

The drive was short. She had meandered closer to his side of town as she day went on, so she didn’t have to go far to get back. She pulled into the driveway into her usual spot.

She didn’t even notice Charlie’s car in its spot until she got out. She stared at it for a moment, unsure if she was hallucinating or if this was real. Then fear hit her. Was he sick? Why wasn’t he at work?

However, when she walked in, he was at the dining room table, working on something. He looked fine, with his black rimmed glasses and comfortable T-shirt. Violet let out a breath of relief.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him. “Why aren’t you at work?”

He stared at her for a long moment, as if he was imagining her there. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“I … I needed to think.”

“I did too.”

Violet stared at him. Oh shit, was she about to get dumped?

“Phoenix is a … decent town,” Charlie said slowly.

Fuck. He was about to tell her she should move. She had already said no. She didn’t want to go.

“I did some thinking and talking with my mom. I could go with you to Phoenix… if you wanted that.”

Hang on.


“Wait, you’re offering to move with me? Charlie…” she shook her head, confused. “You have this house. You’d sell it?”

“I have a cousin who’s looking for a house. Gigi Ruth only wanted it to stay in the family, and my family is pretty big. If she doesn’t want it, then I think Liv and Lewis could use. They’re family too.”

Violet only stared. She had no fucking idea what to say. She never imagined he would sell his house - not for her of all people.

“I … can’t lose you, Violet. I’ve never considered moving, but I would be happy to if it meant we could give this a shot. If you feel this is a good job, and you might like it, then I will go with you.”

Violet took in a shaky breath.

He was offering to sell his home… for her. This was beyond anything she imagined. This was more than she deserved - more than she dreamt of. This was heart felt and memorable.

This was Charlie Davis.

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