Page 106 of To Make Matters Worse

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“Barely," Liv said. ‘The flight back was rough; I knew I shouldn’t come back to America.”

“Yeah, the honeymoon is probably better than real life,” Charlie said, opening his trunk.

After their suitcases were loaded into his car, they both climbed into the backseat, instantly grabbing each other’s hand as they sat. They looked so happy that even three weeks together didn’t seem like enough.

Charlie usually didn’t get it. They had to get tired of each other eventually, right? But no - they never did.

It was weirdly sort of like how he and Violet were now.

“So, how was it?” Charlie said. “You guys look like you enjoyed yourselves.”

“Oh, it was amazing," Liv said. “So perfect. I couldn’t have imagined a better wedding and honeymoon.”

“It looked amazing," Charlie said. “I’m glad it all turned out so well.”

They described their honeymoon in more detail, talking about some of the other people they met and some of the things they did. It sounded amazing. Charlie listened in rapt detail, happy to hear about what his friends had been up to while they were gone.

Usually, Lewis was always good about asking about Charlie’s time too. And Charlie waited with bated breath to tell them he and Violet had finally worked things out, how she was still staying with him and making it work.

But the question never came.

In fact, Violet never came up.

Charlie knew Liv had to miss her, and he figured they’d ask how the apartment was coming along. But then again, they must have been too excited about their honeymoon that they couldn’t think of anything else.

So, Charlie didn’t bring it up either. He figured Liv would call Violet and catch up.

Charlie dropped them off at their apartment, knowing they needed some time to get settled in. He wondered if they were going to invite him in for an impromptu game night, but they never did.

Charlie didn’t mind too much. He wanted to get home to Violet anyways.

“Hey," he said to her as he walked in. “Still grading?”

“Unfortunately," Violet said. “How are they?”

“Happy," he replied. “I think they needed this vacation.”

Violet nodded, and her eyes fell back to her stack of papers.

“Something wrong?” He asked.

“No. Well, not anything huge," Violet sighed. “Jason didn’t do so good on this test, and he’s been quiet at school. I think on Monday I need to have a talk with his mom about how much what’s going on at home is affecting him.”

“Do those usually go well or are they terrible?”

“Depends on the parent. Some take it well. Others think I’m meddling," Violet said. “I’ve never had to talk to Jason’s mom before, so we’ll see. This is one of the parts of my job I hate. Parents get so defensive over their kids but it’s not that I’m judging them. I want to help before things get worse.”

“You’re doing the right thing, though. Hopefully she’ll see that.”

Violet nodded, looking tired.

“So, are you done with grading?”

“Yeah, basically. I could probably try to go through everything again to see if there’s maybe another area I could work out, but my brain is melting a little, so maybe not.”

“So, you have no plans at all for the day?”

“Maybe not. Why?”

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