Page 29 of Traded to the Mafia

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“Oh, Sofia, my angel. I’m so glad you’re okay.” My father lets go of me and kisses my head. “You’re safe now, don’t worry. We’re going to go straight to the airport and straight back home.”

I frown. I know I’m in danger, but I’ll always be in danger. I don’t want to abandon my dreams of studying because of it.

“Papa,” I say quietly, “I don’t want to return to Argentina.”

My father shushes me and reaches out to shake Dominic’s hand. “Sorvino, thank you for looking after Sofia. We dispatched the remainder of Jose’s people who were watching the house. We should be safe.”

Dominic shakes his hand and nods. “You’ll never be safe, not while Jose is in power.”

A man comes out of the house and grins at Dominic. “Well done, Sorvino. Ah,” he claps his hands together, “Here is your brother now.”

A car pulls up, and a man looking like Dominic gets out, so it must be his brother Alessandro. Two guards are by his side instantly. My father walks to him, leaving me standing there, and shakes his hand. “Thank you, Don Sorvino, for your brother’s skills and for saving my daughter.”

“Let’s talk inside,” Alessandro says, walking toward the door.

I watch as they all file inside, Dominic instantly by his brother's side. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I follow them.

“This isn’t something for you to sit in on,” my father says as he stands outside the study.

“I…” I pause, then say, “I would feel safer if I’m closer to you.”

It melts my father’s heart, and he nods. “Fine, but say nothing.”

I nod and follow him. I sit at the back nearby Dominic, and true to my word, I feel instantly safer.

“Don Lopez,” Alessandro says, “Have you considered Andres’ proposal to take down Don Catalan and free both our families and others from his retaliation?”

“Straight to the point,” my father says. I’ve never seen him look so in charge. “I like it. Don Sorvino, understand, although I appreciate that Sofia is alive and well, I now have a war on my hands.” He motions behind him. “Back in Argentina, the Catalan allied families are attacking my families and those families who answer to me. Jose is not happy about your brother’s rather public use of violence. Explosions, shootings… He should have been more discreet.”

Dominic shifts slightly, and I can tell his annoyed. My father has a point, though, and I can see it.

“My brother did what was necessary to secure your allegiance. The war back in Argentina is exactly why we should ally ourselves so that we can take down Jose.”

Dominic steps forward. “I had the choice between being discreet or saving Sofia. I think you’ll agree I made the right choice.”

My father stares him out, but it’s Alessandro who holds a hand up. Without a word, Dominic stands back.

I look at my father, who sits back. “And how do I know the Sorvino family will not betray me if I do this?”

Alessandro remains quiet, and I wonder what he’s thinking when he leans forward. “A trade then, my cousin, for one of your family members. I expect you’ll treat him well.”

I see the opportunity before my father can speak. I know I should sit quietly and not interrupt, but it’s now or never.

“For me!” I say loudly.

Everyone looks at me except Dominic, and I continue. “I want to study in America. It’s why I came. I want to stay, Papa. Let me be our family’s representative.”

My father frowns. “I don’t want you here where Jose’s men can take you again.”

My eyes widen. “Please, Papa, it’s all I want. I ask for this one thing.”

My father sighs. “You’re as stubborn as your mother. Don Sorvino, can you offer my daughter the best protection so she can study in this country?”

Alessandro indicates for Dominic to step forward, and I see him clench his teeth as Alessandro says, “She can stay with Dominic.”

I frown. I thought I’d be given guards. I didn’t think I’d actually have to stay with the family.

“But…” I start to say, but my father silences me with one look.

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