Page 28 of Traded to the Mafia

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I nudge her, so we start walking again. “Maybe one day you can break away from your family and do that, but this isn’t the time. Right now, you need their protection and mine.”

I take out another burner cell and dial Alessandro as we walk. I let Sofia walk a little ahead so that I can talk to him.

“Alessandro,” I say as soon as he answers, “the traitor is taken care of, and I figured out how Carmila fits into all this. I’m ready to take the princess back to her father.”

“Do it soon,” he says. “There’s family business I need you to attend to. Our lives are more than just one family Andres needs on his side. We have businesses to run and people to sort out. Your absence is definitely felt around here.”

“I’ll take her back tonight,” I say. “Do you want to meet me there?”

“Seven,” he says. “I’ll be there. Don’t be late.”

“Gotcha,” I say, hanging up and destroying the burner cell. I catch up to Sofia and say, “Change of plans. You’re going home tonight.”

“Tonight? Is it safe?” she asks.

“It will be. Alessandro will make it safe,” I assure her. “Come on, let’s grab lunch, then we can go back to the car and drive around until it’s time to take you home.

We leave the wooded trail and join the main section of the park. There’s a hot dog stand on the main pathway that I lead Sofia to.

“Two please, and two sodas,” I say.

He serves us, and I tip him generously. My father always said to be generous because you never know who’ll have your back when you need it most.

We sit at a free bench and eat in silence. Sofia looks deep in thought, and I don’t want to bother her.

“What will you do once I’m back with my family?” she asks.

I shrug. “Go back to mine, deal with family business. The wheels never stop turning.”

“You don’t even get a break to recover from your injuries?” she asks.

“Injuries happen,” I explain. “If I took a break every time I was injured, I’d hardly ever work.”

She stares out at some kids playing in the park. “I wish you had freedom to choose who you want to be,” she says quietly. “Or at least do something you want to do.”

I stare at my hot dog. “It’s been so long; I wouldn’t even know what I wanted to do if I had the chance.”

She frowns. “There's nothing you want for yourself?”

I shrug. “Not that I know of. I’m paid well. My house is paid for, my cars and my clothes. I want for nothing, and therefore I want nothing.”

She smiles sadly at me. “You should think about it sometime. Think about something that you want and go for it.”

“I’d rather not be disappointed,” I admit. Dammit, why am I so honest with her? I feel so raw.

The way she looks at me annoys me. It’s as though she pities me.

“Maybe I want to be free enough to go back to work instead of babysitting.” It was meant as a joke, but I see the hurt in her eyes, and I know I went too far.

Chapter 18 - Sofia

I feel relief as we pull up the driveway to my father’s home. I see the familiar faces of his guards, as well as guards I don’t recognize but know to belong to Dominic’s family.

The shock that Carmila was planted in my life and that she betrayed me is still weighing heavily on my heart, but I can’t lie; as much as I detest killing, I’m secretly glad she’s gone for what she did.

I feel a bit guilty for feeling that way, but maybe Dominic is right, and it’s time to stop being a naive little princess.

I climb out of the car as my father steps out the front door, his arms open. I run to him, wrapping my arms around him as I hug him tightly, and he crushes me against him.

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