Page 118 of The Perfect Wrong

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I want to believe we could be okay.

I want to believe inwe.

And even without a pack of murderous, human trafficking lunatics at my throat, that’s a dangerous fairy tale and nothing more.

Vegas is all we’ve got, and all we’ll ever be.

As I allow my hand to stroke the softness of her hair, inhaling her sweetness, I try to etch one more lie into my brain.

If this is all we’ve got, it’s enough.

But every breath of her flowery scent tells me what heaping bullshit that is.

* * *

Our last full evening out,I take her to this fancy French place.

I’ve been using my own money for everything besides the room. I’m not taking shit from her father, no matter how nice he is.

Never mind the fact that my crap almost got his daughter kidnapped.

I’ll never be the kind of high-and-mighty blue-blooded banker boy he’d probably celebrate her shacking up with, stepbrother factor aside. But when I’m dressed up in a nice vest and she’s in her new flaming-red dress, staring up at me over a glass of cab so burgundy-purple it rivals the sunset, I don’t fucking care.

My body reacts to hers at some caveman level I can’t comprehend.

But fuck, do I need to understand it?

I already know what I want—Delia, coiled around me twenty-four seven, legs spread, digging her nails into my skin until I’m turned so inside out I’ll never find my way back to right side up.

An insane part of me wants her heart.

The one thing I promised I wouldn’t take, even while I’m trying like hell to squeeze a lifetime of claiming her body into one week.

This fever of sex and sugar gets more demanding every day.

What should be a fun, easy dinner brings this acid jealousy.

There’s something strange and psychotic lashing around inside me every time she smiles, and I imagine her giving another man that same smile someday.

That smile should belong to me, and so should the rest of her.

“It’s been a week, hasn’t it?” she asks, twirling her glass.

“Yeah. I’m damn glad for the off time considering what’s coming,” I say absently.

“Oh. The cartel thing?”

I nod slowly, hating that I don’t have orders yet to pop some heads.

“No news is good news, I guess. It’s slow going to the endgame,” I say carefully. “My big boss, Mr. Strauss, he’s working with the Feds and Mexican contacts to authorize an operation that will put those fucks out of business. This time for good.”

She sighs sadly and sips her wine.

“The wheels of justice turn slowly, huh?”

“Too fucking slow,” I agree, shaking my head.

She smiles. “I love how brave you are, even after what happened... I didn’t realize how scary and personal your work could get. People would be dead without you.”

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