Page 3 of Ice Storm

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“Yeah, this place is confusing, for sure,” he mutters. His smile drops, and there’s a bitter edge to his voice, interwoven with a thread of sadness. It’s gone in the next instant, and he tips his chin at me. “Come on. I’ll show you where Erica’s office is.”

His hand comes to the small of my back as he steers me in the direction I came. We turn left and quickly reach a small office where a pretty brunette with glasses sits at a desk.

She looks up with a smile. “Hey, Harrison. What brings you here? I thought you’d be gone by now.”

Harrison? As in Harrison Tensly?The Enforcer for The New York Ice Giants?

Of course, it is. The slight bruising on his left cheek makes sense now, as I remember him facing off with an opposing team member during the game. My heart was in my throat for those few moments when both players threw down their sticks and tore off their gloves. I may not know much about hockey, but I know Harrison has earned his title of “Destroyer” on the ice. Never one to back down from a fight, and often the player to instigate them—all part of the spectacle of the game.

But I can’t reconcile that guy with the man standing next to me now, the one who looked so horrified that he’d knocked me down, so concerned that I wasn’t hurt.

“Hey, Erica. This is . . .” Harrison turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow, and I suddenly realize he doesn’t know my name.

“Oh! Jessica. Jessica Solomon,” I reply, tearing my gaze from his and smiling at Erica. “I’ve come to collect the tickets for the auction tomorrow. I got turned around and ran into Harrison, who offered to steer me in the right direction.”

“Jessica, nice to meet you,” Erica says, her smile broadening. “I have them . . .” she searches through the piles of paper on her desk, “. . . ah, right here!” She holds out a gold embossed envelope toward me.

“Thanks again for donating them,” I say, returning Erica’s smile as I take the envelope. I take a peek inside to see the two gold leaf tickets.

“You’re welcome. I hope they raise a good price,” Erica says, just as her phone rings. “Excuse me,” she adds, giving us a little wave as we leave the office.

“I’ll walk you out. I’m headed home now, anyway,” Harrison says, falling into step beside me.

Fine by me. I’m oddly reluctant to leave his company.

“So, you’re Harrison Tensly, aka The Destroyer,” I say, grinning at him as we walk.

Harrison shakes his head, looking a little uncomfortable. “Only on the ice. And not for much longer.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“This is my last season with The Giants. Got my marching orders tonight.”

I look at him in horror. “I’m so sorry. I—”

He waves a hand dismissively. “Don’t be. It’s been on the cards for a while. I just didn’t want to face it.”

“So . . . what happens now? You retire?”

Harrison shrugs carelessly, but I can tell this news has upset him. “Haven’t had time to think about what’s next. Hockey has been my life for as long as I can remember.”

“Your brother is Noah, right?”

His gaze flicks to me as he opens the door, and we exit into the chilly evening air. “You know him?”

“We haven’t met yet.” I shake my head. “But I know his wife, Elli, as she and Harmony are best friends.”

Recognition lights Harrison’s eyes. “Of course. I’ve heard Elli mention Harmony, although I’ve never met her or Mack.”

“Small world, huh?”

“Getting smaller by the day,” he murmurs.

“Um, why don’t you join us tomorrow evening at The Queens Club?” I hear myself ask as my mouth engages before my brain. “Mack and Harmony are performing, and Noah and Elli will be there.”

Harrison’s eyes bore into mine with an intensity that has my toes curling in my boots. “I may just take you up on that offer, Jessica Solomon.”

Oh, God, how does my name sound so good spilling from his lips? “Great. I may just see you tomorrow, Harrison Tensly.” I was going for casual sophistication, but sadly, his name leaves my throat as a strangled croak.Smooth, Solomon. Real smooth.

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