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He tilts his head and something about it feels slightly predatory. “Talk? What’s there to talk about? I thought you forgave me?”

“Yeah, but…” Why couldn’t I have just said goodbye and left it at that?

“But what?” His posture goes rigid.

“We’ll talk when you get back. I need to get back in there.” I kiss his cheek and step away.

He grabs my wrist. “Tell me whatever it is now.” The words are laced with venom.

I sigh and look toward the inn full of people. Everyone is in the dining room, so there isn’t anyone outside. “I’m not sure it’s going to work between us. We’re very different people.”

“Why wouldn’t it work?” He’s still holding my wrist and his fingers press harder into my skin.

“Honestly? You’re not very nice to my family. And like I said, we’re different.”

“Your family is always looking at me like they don’t like me. Like they think they’re better than me and they judge me because I’m a fisherman.”

“They would never judge you for that. I’m practically a fisherwoman.”

He scoffs. “Please… you strip down naked and take out bachelor parties. God knows what happens out there on the open water.”

My mouth drops open. “Fuck you.” I unwind my wrist from his grip and stomp off.

“What the hell did you just say to me?” He stalks after me, grabbing my upper arm and swinging me around.

“I said fuck you!” I shout. “We’re over.”

“Like hell we are.” His hand comes up in a blur and I turn just as his fist connects with my face.

“You bastard!” I cover my eye as if that’s going to make a difference. “Get the fuck out of here before I rip your balls off.” I bend down, tears springing to my eyes.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” He bends down to hover over me. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry. I really am. It’s just that I really like you and I don’t want you to break up with me.”

I stand up straight. “Go to hell. Get outa here.” I step back in case he comes after me again.

“Chevelle, I really didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.” It’s like another personality has come over him—he’s gone from rage to sorrow in a heartbeat.

“Go!” I point toward his car.

The door of the inn opens and a guy I think might work in the kitchen comes out, heading toward his car. He looks at the two of us, and Derek retreats to his car.

“Fine. Have it your way,” he mumbles.

Once his tires are off the gravel of the parking lot and on the pavement of the road, I slide through the doors of the inn, heading to the bathroom and hoping my face isn’t as bad as it feels. I feel equal parts shaken and numb. I’ve never had a guy be aggressive with me before. I don’t quite know how to feel.

“Chevelle.” Cam touches my arm as I pass by him.

I purposely keep my face down. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

His forefinger and thumb touch my chin and he turns my face up, seeing what I assume is the start of a black eye because his eyes flash with concern first, then red-hot anger. He touches around my eye gently and I wince. “Oh, he just wrote his fucking death certificate.”

“I handled it, Cam, relax.”

“Then I’ll handle it again.”

“Please don’t,” I say, but he’s already walking out the doors of the inn as if he’s the white knight who’s going to save me.


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