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Xavier shudders. “I told you a ghost grabbed my arm.”

I playfully roll my eyes. “Likely story.”

“And you’re always making fun of me?” Ben asks Xavier, shaking his head.

“You’re the Hulk. It’s funny that you’re always scared of stuff.”

Molly brings our food over and we all eat. The awkwardness from earlier eases and it just feels like three friends getting together and making conversation.

“How long have you two been friends?” Ben asks.

We both look up from our meals. “Kindergarten,” we answer in unison.

“Seriously? I don’t even remember the names of the kids I went to elementary school with, let alone still talk to them. But it must help with the trust issues you have.” He elbows Xavier.

I tilt my head, and Xavier peers up through his thick eyelashes for a beat before looking back down at his plate.

“You have a big mouth,” he murmurs and takes a bite of his quesadilla.

“I thought you two weren’t just friends, you were best friends? She doesn’t know about that?” Ben takes a big bite out of his burger.

“There are some things only other players understand.” Xavier shoots him a look as though he’s telling Ben to shut the fuck up.

But Ben doesn’t seem to clue in. “You know the women who only want us for our status and money? Scares Xavier.”

He’s never discussed that with me. I wish it didn’t feel like a dagger to the heart. I’ve always told him everything.

“Mind your own business, Ben.” Xavier looks across the restaurant. “Jed!”

Jed, his stepbrother, walks over and turns the empty chair beside me around, straddling it. “What’s up? I heard you were back in town for a bit.”

“Yeah, I’m picking up Dad from treatment.” Xavier lifts his wrist to check his watch. I recognize it as being from the watch company he does ads for.

“He’s doing great from what Mom says.” Jed looks from me to Xavier and back to me. Jed’s never been subtle, and he wags a finger between the two of us. “What’s with you two being at the same table?”

I look at Xavier to answer the question and he shrugs a shoulder. “We made up.”

“You were fighting?” Ben looks at Xavier in confusion.

Molly arrives with the next flight for Ben, and Jed snags her by her waist and brings her to his side. “How’s my baby?” He presses his lips to her stomach.

A pang of jealousy cuts me. I can’t deny I want that too.

“How far along are you?” Ben asks. Thank goodness for him not staying on one topic very long.

Molly laughs. “Not too far along yet.” She looks at the clock. “Speaking of… the oldest needs to be picked up from school and I’m thinking maybe her daddy should be the one to do it.”

Jed stands and sighs. “Did you hear? Emelia is going apeshit about this baby. Thinks it’s replacing her because it’s a full part of us and she’s only half of us.” He shakes his head, and there’s real concern in his eyes. It’s rare to see Jed not carefree and fun loving.

“Maybe have Rylan talk to her,” I suggest. “He’s a Greene but not from either one of the original Greene families.”

“If I can find that little fifteen-year-old, that’s not a bad idea.” Jed rubs his stubble with his palm.

“Hey,” Xavier says. “Is he dating Calista Bailey now?”

Jed laughs and peers down at Molly, who snickers and says, “You know that was just a ploy to get you two together, right?”

“I knew that was the story, but I wasn’t sure if that was actually the truth.” Xavier shrugs.

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