Page 96 of Angelina

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“Lena, he is going to be hurt.He will need blood, more than you can give him.I can help.”

“Are you sure?I know this is awkward.”

He chuckled.“It is part of the business arrangement, is it not?”

I didn’t bother to reply.Instead, we headed up to my room.I paced for a good fifteen minutes before there was noise in the hallway, and I yanked open the door to see two men carrying an unconscious Hugh—I think it was Hugh—into my room.

“What the fuck did you guys do to him!He looks half dead!”

“Where do you want him?”one of the men said, and I snarled at him and told him the bedroom.

They rushed from the room after they dropped him on the bed, probably afraid I would stake them.They should be frightened.

I stared at Hugh.He was burned from head to toe.All of his clothes were removed, but his boxers and every inch of his skin was severely blistered.

“Jesus, that is so fucking wrong!”

I sent my sister a mental snapshot of Hugh.“Do you see what that motherfucker did to him!”

I know she got the message, and a moment later, she was locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

“Hugh, baby, can you hear me?You’re safe now.It’s over.I’m going to feed you.”

His eyelids moved like he was trying to open them, but his head lolled to the side.I scored my wrist and put it to his mouth.I would have preferred to have him at my neck, but this was the fastest way.“Drink, Hugh, please drink!”

After a few drops fell onto his tongue, he tried to get his mouth around my wrist.Finally, he managed to succeed and began to suck as hard as he could.

I could feel his strength building, but he was still so weak that it would take gallons of blood and time for him to heal properly.I fed him until I felt dizzy, and then Corbin forced me to remove my wrist.

“Let me, Lena.Get a drink and then some towels, and we can wipe away the blood to see how bad it is.”Tears spilled down my cheeks.“He’s going to be okay.Whatever doesn’t heal on its own, you can heal.”

His words made me feel better, and I went into the bathroom and closed the door, needing a few moments to myself.I was furious and brokenhearted to see him in such bad shape, all because he had come for me, and that wicked monster had used him as a freaking text message!

“Calm yourself, Lena.He can feel your anger,”Corbin’s voice whispered into my mind.

He was right.I needed to remain calm.Later, I could exact my revenge on that motherfucker.I splashed water over my face and then wet two towels before I returned to the room.

I sat on the edge of the bed and studied him.He seemed to be drinking faster now.“Thank you,” I said to Corbin.

He nodded and then spoke to Hugh.“Okay, enough for now.Now you need to rest and let that get to work.Angelina and I are going to clean you up a bit.It’s going to hurt, but not nearly as bad as it did while you were getting these burns.”

Hugh’s lid’s fluttered and finally opened.He skimmed a glance over Corbin before he turned to me.

His bright-blue eyes were so out of place with his bright-red blistered and scarred face.“I’m here.You’re okay.I’m going to make you okay.”

He nodded, and his eyes drifted shut again, and it took everything in me not to start bawling like a baby as Corbin came to me and pulled me into his arms.

“He’s going to be okay, Lena.”He kissed the side of my head and I wept silently into his chest.

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