Page 70 of Angelina

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“Whatever.”He turned back to me, dismissing Isaac.“Everything is going to be alright.”

Another contraction rocked me, and then another, and there were two more before the doctor told me that I should start pushing.

My daughter came into the world after only six pushes.Like all infants, she opened her mouth a moment after birth and let her lungs start working with a keening cry.

The doctor wrapped the baby and handed her to me.“She looks fine.In fact, she looks full-term.I’ll have to do some tests on her, but Kristin, she’s perfect.”

I stared down into the face of my daughter as she burrowed against my chest.Tears ran down my face, and when I peered up at Zander, I saw tears on his cheeks too.As I glanced at Isaac, I saw his head bowed as if he were praying.

“Hey there, little one.You sure were in a rush to get here.”I spoke softly to her, and she opened her eyes.I was shocked at the brightness of her irises.I knew many children were born with blue eyes, but hers were so striking that it jolted me.

“Wow, look at those eyes,” Zander spoke in awe.“I am pretty sure they put both of ours to shame.”

“They are incredible,” I murmured as I stared at my daughter.

“Do you have a name for her, Kristin?”Clayton asked.

“I do.”I smiled at my daughter and touched her cheek.“Hello, Briella.Welcome to the world, my beautiful, special daughter.”

“Briella, that is beautiful, Kristin,” Zander said as he watched her.

My daughter looked at him, and I knew that she couldn’t see much as a newborn, but she seemed to look at him carefully.After a moment, she began to squirm in my hands like she needed something.

“Is something wrong with her?”I asked as she began to cry, and Isaac stepped forward immediately.

“Mistress, may I?”

I lifted her from my chest, and he put his large hands out and took her like she was the most precious thing in the world.As he put her against his chest, she calmed.

“Yes, Briella, I am here for you always,” he cooed to her as she grew quiet.

“Well, look at that,” Clayton said as he shook his head with a smile.“I never pictured you with a child, Isaac.”

He grinned at him.“One of my many hidden talents.”

“Kristin, you should rest,” Clayton said.

“I have to get up to the balcony and see if I can feel Hugh.”

The doctor frowned.“Why would you need to go on the balcony.Can you not feel him here?”

“He’s not here in the compound,” I told him.“And it’s a long story that you have to keep to yourself.”

“Then we need to finish this up, and you need to feed and rest.You lost a lot of blood here.”

“I will rest after I check on Hugh.”

The men stepped out of the room while the doctor helped me deliver the afterbirth.On the other side of the room, Isaac held Briella protectively in his arms, watching her every second.

Once I was cleaned, someone brought me fresh clothes, and Lainey helped me get dressed.I did have to admit that I was exhausted from the quick ordeal, but I needed to check on Hugh.

“Isaac, take Briella to the doctor to have her checked, then bring her to me in my suite.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He left with the doctor, and I looked at Zander and Clayton.“Get me upstairs, now.”

They helped me get steady on my feet, and Zander kept his arm around me as we walked into the hallway.I expected there to be people there, but it was empty.We were able to get to the stairs and up without seeing too many people.Once on the balcony, I closed my eyes and reached for Hugh.

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