Page 69 of Angelina

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“It’s too soon!”I cried as another contraction nailed me.Zander grabbed my other arm, and Isaac and Zander led me to the couch.

“Your daughter does not think so,” Isaac said.“She thinks now is the time.”

“I’m not even seven and a half months along!She needs to stay there at least another six weeks,” I cried as they sat me on the couch.

“Your daughter will be fine,” Isaac tried to reassure me, but I wasn’t having that.I was filled with panic by what I had felt from her and Hugh at almost the same time.

What was going on with him?Was he hurt?Had he been killed?The pain had been incredible, but I shouldn’t have been able to feel it here.Not inside the compound with him so far away.

“Hugh,” I breathed through another contraction.“Something is wrong with Hugh.”

“Kristin, he can take care of himself,” Zander replied.“We need to worry about you.Jesus.”He raked his hand through his hair.“I should never have let you talk me into letting him go!He should have been the one feeding you.”

“Zander, it is your blood that has made her strong enough to come now.She is ready.She will be fine,” Isaac insisted.

“You can’t know that, Isaac!”I cried as Zander dropped to his knees and held my hand.His eyes were large with fear.

“It’s going to be okay.She will be alright.”He tried to console me, or maybe he was trying to convince himself.

The door opened, and Clayton arrived with the doctor and several other people.

“Out!”Isaac raised his voice enough to shock all of us.“Unless you are delivering this child, you are to leave!”

Although everyone was surprised by his fierceness, they filed out the door as the doctor laid me back on the couch and said he needed to check my cervix.

Isaac moved to the door and lifted his face to the ceiling to give me privacy as Zander helped the doctor remove my pants.Clayton held my hand and brushed another hand over my forehead.“You got this, Kris.”

Another contraction slammed into me, and I fought not to roar as my stomach hardened into a rock.I remembered the pain I had with my other two children, and neither time had it been this intense.Not this soon.I sobbed slightly as I worried over my decision to let Hugh leave.I should have made him stay.If I had, this would not be happening, and he wouldn’t be out there hurt or dead.I knew something had happened to him.I could feel it deep in my soul.

“Kristin, you are almost completely dilated.Only a few more contractions, and you should be ready to push.”

“It’s too soon!”I told him, shaking my head.

“Sorry, Kristin, but she’s coming whether you want her to or not.”

“Zander!”I called his name as another contraction started.Clayton moved so Zander could be by my side.

“It’s going to be okay.We have to believe that.”

I was shaking my head.“No, something is wrong!I know it is.”

“She’s going to be okay.”

“Not with her.Something is wrong with Hugh.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but Isaac spoke up.“She is right.The child feels it too.That is why she is coming.”

“That makes no sense.What can a child do?”Zander practically yelled.

“She can free herself from her mother so she can go help him.”

Zander and I just stared at him.“What are you talking about?”he finally asked Isaac.

“She knows you cannot help him while she is in your stomach.She is coming now so that you may go to him.”

“Oh, my god!She can’t be telling you that.Are you crazy?”

Isaac gave Zander a fierce look.“That is what she feels!”

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