Page 30 of Treasured

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“I’m getting on my flight home now. Dad knows something is up and demanded I come home right this second. He even sent his plane to collect me.”

“Is he trying to call me too?”

“All he said is he called and you’re not picking up, but I reminded him that you never pick up because you forget to charge it. He’s going to stick you with a bodyguard if he can’t reach you when he calls.”

I keep my eyes on Mateo, trying to read him, but his face gives nothing away. “I’ll call him.”

“I’m sure he sent someone to your dorm too.”

Craaaaap. “Okay, I’ll call him.”

“All right, get your shit together and call him before he sends an army after you. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.” We both say bye before we end the call.

“I need to call my father next.” I expect Mateo to do his thing and start another call. Instead, he takes the phone, drops it on the ground, then stomps on it, shattering it.

“You’re not calling your father.”



“You’re nervous.”

Milly tangles her fingers together, then pulls them apart, tangles again, then presses her palms to her cheeks.

“Hey.” I reach over and take one of her hands in mine as we drive past the bright city. “You’re safe with me.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.” She squeezes my fingers. “My father isn’t a good man, Mateo.”

“That makes two of us.” I kiss the back of her hand.

“I mean—” She shakes her head. “I mean he’s done horrible things, and I don’t want him to do those sorts of things to you.”

“He won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I have two things he wants.”

“There are two vases?” She blinks slowly.

“No. I have the vase, and I have the treasure.” I kiss her hand again.

“Oh.” She smiles a little at that, some of the anxiety draining away.

I understand her worry. The Rutherford name is steeped in blood and dirty deals. The fact her father put a goddamn bounty on my head over a vase that was never really his is proof enough that the man is ruthless to a fault. She wasn’t shocked when I told her he was my buyer, the same buyer who most likely intended to kill me whether or not I delivered.

“Henry’s not like him,” she says quietly. “I want you to know that. Henry can be …” She fidgets in her seat, her velvety dress hugging her thighs. “He can be sort of loud, and he’s always chasing girls.” She rolls her eyes. “But he’s not vicious. Not like my dad. Henry would never hurt me.”

My chest tightens. “Has your father hurt you?”

She shakes her head. “Not like that. Not physically. No. But he’s never treated me like anything other than an afterthought. My mom died before I even knew her. She found out she was sick when she was pregnant with me. Dad doesn’t talk about her, and that’s probably a good thing. He’s never kind when it comes to women. Not to me, either.”

The more she tells me about her father, the more I imagine wrapping my hands around his throat and squeezing. But I can’t do that. I need to walk a fine line of letting him know Milly is mine while also keeping what little of a relationship they have intact. It’s what’s best for Milly, especially since she has a positive relationship with her brother.

“I won’t let him hurt you. I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

She nods, and we drive in silence for a while as the city turns to a forested countryside where mansions are tucked away behind somber gates.

“When those men tried to take me…” Her voice quavers, and she takes a deep breath to continue, “When they tried to take me, I remember thinking Why? I was terrified, but I also couldn’t understand why they’d bother. My father would never give in to a ransom demand or fight to get me back. That’s not who he is, not when it comes to me.”

Fuck, I hate the hurt in her voice. But it’s not fresh; whatever wound her father gave her is deep and covered with scar tissue now.

“Henry, yes.” She nods. “He’d do anything to get him back. Me? I’m disposable. And maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe that means he won’t be mad at you for–” She yelps as I yank the wheel to the right and pull onto the narrow shoulder. “Mateo!”

I lean over and put my palms on her cheeks and stare into her eyes. “I need you to listen to me, Milly.”

She swallows hard. “Okay.”

“You are not disposable. You are the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me. You are a goddamn treasure, and I will destroy anyone who dares tell you different.”

Her eyes water. “Mateo.”

“I mean it, Milly. I need you to believe it. You are a treasure. You are the only priceless thing I’ve ever taken, the only true prize worth having. And you’re all mine.” I wipe the tears that spill onto her cheeks. “Got it?”

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