Page 29 of Treasured

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“You’re not living in the dorm. You never should have been. You’re safer here with me.”

“Safer?” I repeat. “I should go clean up.” I try to lift up but don’t get anywhere.

“You don’t need to clean up. You smell like me. That’s how you should stay.”

“Don’t you have to go to work or something?” The words are barely past my lips before Mateo has me pinned beneath him on the bed, his cock still inside of me.

“Milly, don’t pull that shit with me.” For the first time ever, I see anger on Mateo's face, and it’s directed at me. I never get this side of Mateo. I’ve seen everyone else experience it but not me. From the very start, he’s been nothing but sweet and caring.

“What? I’m not staying here because you want to keep me safe.” I push at his chest, knowing it’s useless. I’m only poking the bear.

“You know I want you in our bed every night for my own selfish reasons. I said it’s to keep you safe because it’s not only true but it's also so I don’t scare the shit out of you. I don’t want to send you running.”

“You can’t scare me. And the only time I’ll be running from you is with the expectation that you’ll be chasing me.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, trying to lighten the mood a bit. I’m not buying what he’s selling.

“What if I told you it wasn’t an option? That I wasn't asking. Would that scare you? If I said that you’re not going back to the dorm beyond us picking up your shit and bringing it back here.”

“You can’t make me stay.” I don’t know why I even say it, because I don’t want to go back to my dorm in the least. Still, I keep on poking my bear.

“I'm very good at what I do, Milly. You’re smaller than some of the things I’ve stolen in the past. I’ll steal you too if I have to.” I try to glare at Mateo, pretending to be annoyed, but my vagina betrays me by clenching around his cock. I love hearing him say that he’d go to such lengths to have me. Never in my life has someone wanted me the way he does.

He smirks. “I think you want me to kidnap you.”

“Kind of hard to kidnap the willing.”

“I want you here, Milly, and I’ll do and say whatever I think I need to so that you’ll stay willingly.”

“I want to be here, but only if you want me here. I don’t want to be anyone’s obligation or burden.”

“You’ll never be either of those to me, and it’s fucked up you’d ever think that for even a second.”

“I-” I try to speak, but he keeps going.

“I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you, but I’m not sharing, and it’s your family's loss for letting you slip through their fingers. You’re mine now. My family.”

“Mateo,” I breathe as a flood of emotion consumes me. Mateo really does get me. He understands what I’ve been thinking. Even about my family.

“You’ll be a Klein very soon.”

“Really?” I rub my thumb along the underside of my wedding ring. I’d noticed Mateo is still wearing his too.

“As soon as you’ll let me.”

“Now?” I suggest, making a slow, sexy smile pull at his lips.

“No big wedding for you?” he teases me, knowing I’d never want that.

“Maybe I’d like to have my brother there.” He’s the only one that really matters to me. “My brother! I should call him. Crap.” I push at his chest again.

“We can call him, but first I want to know you’re good. That we’re good.”

“I love you,” I tell him. I know Mateo and I will always be good. I just think at times he might have to break things down for me a bit, but he seems more than okay with doing that. I need to realize Mateo is all in. I think that would go a long way for me. I’ll stop letting any doubts seep in.

“Love you too, treasure.” He leans down and kisses me. I start to deepen the kiss, but Mateo slips his cock out of me. I bite down on his lip, making him laugh. “You wanted to call your brother.”

“Right,” I huff.

Mateo helps me from the bed. I get dressed before following him into his office. “You have to handle the vase tonight?” I ask as he gets the phone out for me. It’s a secure line that shows my number when I call my brother.

“Yeah.” He responds with a sigh.

The phone starts to ring. Henry answers immediately. “I’ve been calling you. What the hell, Milly?” My brother's voice booms through the phone.

“Sorry. You know how I am with my phone.” It’s not a total lie. I am pretty crappy about checking it and keeping it charged.

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