Page 89 of Secret Daddy

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I hear the gunshot before I feel the pain. Turning my head slightly, I see a figure standing in the doorway, gun trained on me. My body suddenly goes cold, a sharp pain lancing through my ribcage. I don’t think the bullet hit anything vital, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

“I’ve got impeccable timing,” Milo says. “Are you alright, little brother?”

I stagger back, knife dropping from my hands. The smell of iron lingers heavily in the air. I look between Milo and Elio, too confused to speak. My body is going into shock. I can’t move, can’t think.

Falling to my knees, I attempt to slow the bleeding, pressing my palm against my wound. It’s futile. I’m losing too much blood. The tips of my fingers are numb, my senses dulling.

Elio steps forward, malice darkening his eyes. He grips my hair and yanks my head back. “Don’t worry, Dom. We’re not gonna kill you yet. Not until you’ve watched us destroy everything you’ve built.”

“And ruin your little plaything,” Milo adds darkly.

Arin. They’re going to hurt Arin.

Before I can fight back, darkness pulls me under.

Chapter 36


The air is abuzz with excitement. The guests have all arrived and taken their assigned seats, a few of whom are famous names in the fashion industry. Miriam really went all out on the guest list, and I couldn’t be more thankful. The photographers have organized themselves in the pit at the end of the runway, their expensive equipment set up to snap the perfect shot of my models mid-stride. The lighting is perfect, the models are ready to go, and the music playing over the speakers is exactly what I need to set the mood. The only thing missing is Dominic.

I peer out from the wings of the runway, squinting against the dim lighting. His seat is vacant. He’s nowhere in sight. I find Lana and Felicia in their assigned spots, both giddy and in awe of the whole experience. Johnny sits just behind them, acting just as much their guard as he is mine. I’m glad they’re having fun, but Dominic’s glaring absence makes my blood run cold.

He promised.

Miriam taps me on the shoulder, a big smile on her face. “I’m going to take my seat. The show starts when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Miriam. We’ll talk after?”

“Of course! I’ll see if I can get Rihanna to come and take a picture with you. That’ll definitely help our social media accounts.”

I meander back, hiding just behind the partition to get a good view of all the clothes before they head out one by one. I quickly glance at my watch. I can’t delay the show any longer, no matter how much I want Dominic here. With a nod to the lighting assistant, the house lights dim and the runway lights up. The music changes to something more upbeat.

I send the first model on her way.

She struts her stuff, hundreds of eyes on her as she makes her way down the length of the runway. I can hear people speaking to each other in hushed whispers, admiring my gorgeous designs. Multiple cameras go off, their flashes almost blinding.

I make last-minute adjustments to each look before I send the model down the runway, fixing crooked earrings or smoothing fabric. I’m in my element, my blood buzzing warmly through my veins. I know every single one of these pieces like they’re fragments of my soul. Every stitch, every fold, every seam made with my own two hands.

Before long, the model I selected to open my show comes back. It’s chaotic behind the scenes, an entire team helping strip her out of her first look and quickly throw on her second. On the catwalk, the models are calm and collected. Behind the curtain, it’s a frantic dance to get changed as quickly as possible. Makeup needs to be retouched; elaborate hairstyles gelled back into place. In the blink of an eye, she’s back and ready to be sent out again.

When the show finally draws to a close, all the models file out in a straight line to the sound of thunderous applause. It sends a delightful shiver down my spine. They liked it! They really, truly liked it! As is tradition, the designer is supposed to step out last and take a bow. Taking a deep breath, I do just that, the warmth of the lights overwhelming as the sound of people clapping grows that much louder.

“Wonderful!” someone shouts.

“Amazing!” someone else calls.

I’ve never been more bashful. I can’t believe how well everything worked out. Truly a label launch for the history books, yet…

I can’t help but glance at Dominic’s empty seat. My disappointment knows no bounds.

“Mommy!” Felicia yells over all the noise. “That’s my Mommy!”

I manage to smile despite the cold lump in my throat. At least my baby and best friend are here to celebrate this occasion with me. I’ll cry about Dominic’s broken promise later. For now, I want to savor this moment for as long as possible.

I step off stage to hug my daughter, thrilled beyond imagination. Felicia and Lana are all smiles and congrats, as are the people around them. After the best ten minutes of my life, it’s time to head backstage and deal with the aftermath of a fashion show. I kiss Felicia goodbye and hug Lana once more, then wave to Johnny as he escorts them to the car outside. They’re safe.

The chaos backstage is in full swing, and I need a breather before I jump in. I step through the backdoor, sucking in a deep breath, a smile on my face. Before my mind can clear, the door opens behind me. I glance back, expecting Miriam or a model leaving out the back to avoid the crowd, but a huge man emerges and locks eyes with me.
