Page 78 of Natural Impulse

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After another kiss, a long and sexy one that made me tingle again, we curled up under the covers together, naked. I'd always wanted to sleep naked, but it had seemed like an improper thing to do, so I never tried it. I'd slept naked all night with Ollie once before, but going to bed in the nude still seemed wild and sinful.

And I loved it. The feeling reminded me of Ollie.

I woke in the morning in a fantastic mood, well rested and energized for the day ahead. Ollie had left me a note explaining he had to get up early to handle office duties, so I should go ahead and have breakfast in the dining hall with the other guests. He promised to find me later. And he signed the note, "Love, Ollie."

Once I'd done my usual morning routine---face washing, moisturizing, putting on makeup, fixing my hair---I got dressed and headed for the door.

Someone knocked on it.

Was it Ollie? He'd implied I wouldn't see him until after breakfast, but maybe he'd gotten his chores done earlier than expected. The prospect of seeing him again made me almost giddy, so I flung the door open.

Nico leaned against the jamb. "Morning, Mar-Mar."

"I hate that nickname, and you know it." I tried to push past him, but he thrust out an arm to stop me, so I glowered at him. "Out of my way."

"We need to talk."

"No, we don't."

He moved in front of me, forcing me to shuffle backward. "I didn't sleep with Heidi."

"She turned you down? What a shocker. I knew she was a smart girl."

"Oh, I could've fucked her if I'd wanted to. I can spot an easy lay at a hundred feet." He stretched an arm out to take hold of a lock of my hair, twining it around his finger. "But I was more interested in your reaction to seeing me with Heidi."

"Get out of my way."

"Not until you admit you got jealous." He leered at me, roving his gaze up and down my body. "You and Ollie got in a big fight after that. He's jealous of me being with Heidi, and you're jealous of her for being with me. We've still got a connection, Mar-Mar. Stop fighting it."

"Oh please." I tried to squeeze around him, but he managed to bar the entire doorway with his body by spreading his legs and arms. I glowered at him again. "If you don't move on your own, I'll make you do it."

He laughed. "Little Mara thinks she's a superhero. That's so damn cute. You can't even get in an elevator unless somebody pushes the buttons for you."

"You don't know me at all."

"I'm the only one you can be with. Ollie Jackson will get sick of you eventually, and you'll realize the truth."

Fisting my hands at my sides, I gritted my teeth and hissed, "Go. To. Hell."

Then I backed up a few steps and took a running start before swinging my leg up to kick him in the gut.

Nico flew backward, landing in the middle of the hall flat on his ass.

While he lay stunned, I rushed past him and down the hall to the office door. I knocked, but he didn't answer. I turned the knob, finding it unlocked, and swung the door open.

No Ollie.

I spun around just as Nico roused from his shock.

He lifted his head to look at me. "Damn, Mara, what's gotten into you?"


I stepped over him on my way to the stairs. Just as I reached the landing, Nico called out to me.

At the bottom of the staircase, I swerved left to head for the dining hall. My feet stopped moving so suddenly I almost tripped over my own toes.

There, halfway between where I stood and the door to the dining hall, Ollie leaned against the wall with a naked Heidi plastered to his body. He wore his work uniform. Heidi was puckering her lips, leaning in for a kiss, all but begging for it. He held her head in both hands like he was about to lay one on her.

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