Page 51 of Sphinx

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Chapter 27


It was past seven, and I was doing my best not to blow Kincaid’s phone up. She wasn’t the type to appreciate being smothered, and I truly wasn’t the smothering type. However, until we had our talk, and I knew exactly what it was that we were doing, I was probably going to continue feeling wary where she was concerned.

Walking out of the shower, I was getting dressed when my phone rang. Throwing on a white tank top along with a pair of grey basketball shorts, I grabbed my phone as soon as I was done. When I looked at the screen, I wasn’t surprised.

Answering, I greeted, “Hey, Dad.”

“What the fuck is going on over there, Fox?” he asked, the exact greeting I had expected. Being on the governing panel of the entire organization, there was no way shit hadn’t gotten back to him. I was actually surprised that it’d taken him so long to call.

I could guess why, though.

“What do you mean?”

“Christ,” he swore under his breath. “Son, I know that I don’t have to tell you how this looks.”

“Like a rebellion?” I guessed.

He let out a deep breath, and I knew he was trying to ignore my flippancy. For the most part, my father and I got along fairly well. We didn’t have a bad relationship or communication issues. I also knew he was doing his best not to interfere because it might look bad. Same as Stone’s dad.

“I need you to listen to me, Fox,” he started out. “When Stone announced that he wasn’t going to select a supporter, the panel had been in an uproar. When Jonathan voiced that he’d rather have his son go it alone than bring someone into the organization that he didn’t trust, well…the panel had chewed on that for a while before deciding that Jonathan had a point. That was the only reason Jonathan hadn’t fought Stone on the decision.”

“Well, that Hera contract must have really created a stir,” I chuckled.

“It was surprising to say the least,” he grumbled. “However, we all supported it. We believe in it, and there’d been no issue with it after the initial shock.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“After getting blindsided with that Hera contract, we get hit with Ross Carmichael marrying a commoner, then Saxton Voss marrying Hastings Martin, and that’s the problem, Fox,” he snapped.

“A commoner? Really?” I drawled out. “We’re not fucking royalty, Dad.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” he shot back. “We are all part of one big royal family, and you boys running amok and making life-altering decisions on your own is a really big fucking problem, Fox.”

“Last I heard, all the parentals are ecstatic about their sons’ marriages,” I reminded him.

“Of course, they have to be,” he hissed. “Considering who you boys are, the last thing anyone needs is noise in the press about shotgun weddings or crazy shit like that.”

“Who we marry has nothing to do with The Order,” I pointed out. “Why do you guys care so much?”

“Because you are all far too young to be getting married,” he replied. “Your priority is supposed to be the organization, not a wife.” Before I could remark on that, he added, “It’s also just came to our attention that Saxton Voss and Kincaid Black are more than contractual holders. Is it true that Saxton and Kincaid have been best friends since grade school?”

“That sonofabitch,” I growled.

“What? Who?”

“Alexander sure didn’t waste any time running back and telling you all about Saxton and Kincaid, did he?”

“That’s his job, Fox,” Dad replied. “It’s his responsibility to report back to us. After all, he is your initiating leader.”

“Yeah?” I scoffed. “Well, is he reporting back all the shit August Remington has been up to since initiation night?”

My dad was quiet for a bit, but he finally said, “We’ve heard some rumors of some…discord between the group.”

“Rumors? Discord?” I was about to tell my dad to go eat a dick, but that wouldn’t get me any answers. “From Alexander?”

Dad cleared his throat a bit before shocking the shit out of me. “Arlene, actually.”

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