Page 7 of Typhon

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Ialmost laughed.

Heather’s brown eyes buggedwhile Felicia’s hazel ones started rapidly blinking. Laney just sort of stiffened, which I found weird.

“Uh…nothing, really,” Felicia finally said. “Just what I’ve heard through campus gossip and stuff.”

“Yeah,” Heather agreed. “I personally don’t know the guy and have never spoken to him.”

Felicia shruggeda shoulder. “They say he’s really serious,” she said. “Other than the obvious that he’s rich and gorgeous, they say he’s got a rather private personality.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the same,” Heather added. “Supposedly, he has all these people that run after him, but Lennox Wilde is the only person Stone regards as a real friend.”

Felicia nodded her head. “A friend of mine hooked up with Lennox our sophomore year, and she said that Lennox was a great guy, just happily single. However, she also said that he had mentioned that Stone was like his best friend or something.”

“Speaking of hooking up,” Heather jumped in. “It’s also rumored that, while Stone isn’t a manwhore like a lot of college guys, he’s very clear about his expectations from his hookups.” She grinned. “No one’s ever gotten a phone call the next day from the guy for a repeat.”

Felicia rolled her eyes. “Supposedly, he hasn’t even hooked up with that many girls at HU. Something about not shitting where you eat.”

For two girls who didn’t know the guy, they sure were fountains of gossip and possible truths. However, I’ve heard the same things said about him throughout the years. Especially, the hookup rumors. I guess many girls have tried their hand at snagging the guy, but he’s pretty adamant about his single status.

“Why areyou asking about Stone Lexington?” Laney asked, finally joining in on the conversation. I looked over at her, and she looked…uneasy.

“I ran into him the other day,”I told her. “I mean, like literally ran into the poor guy.”

“What happened?” Felicia asked.

“I wasrushing to my Data Structures class, and I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings,” I grimaced. “I rounded the corner of the Smith Building and crashed into the guy.”

“Was he mean or something?” Heather asked.

I shook my head.“No. No, it was nothing like that,” I replied. “He was nice and even asked if I was okay.” For some reason, I didn’t want to share that he’d had his arm wrapped around me when he’d asked, or that he’d had pushed me up against the building with his body while it had all been going down.

Not even with Laney.

“So,you were just curious?” Laney asked, and my gut was telling me it was a good idea not to tell her the details, and that was strange as hell. Laney was my roommate and damn near best friend. This odd energy was disconcerting to say the least.

I shrugged a shoulder, trying for aloofness. “I’d just never spoken to him before,” I half-lied. “He was really nice, so I was just…wondering.”

Then Laney went and said something I never would have expected from her. “Well, I can guarantee you that Stone Lexington has moved on from that little hit-and-run, Rylee,” she said tactlessly. “There’s no point in wondering about a guy who’s probably never going to talk to you again.” Heather and Felicia both looked taken aback by Laney’s rudeness, and I didn’t blame them.

Shewasbeing rude.

“Well, that was rude as hell,” I told her, and her pretty face blinked in confusion before it morphed into understanding at what she’d just said. “I wasn’t saying Stone Lexington was going to get down on one knee and propose, Laney. I was just…gossiping, conversing…”

Her eyes rounded. “I’m sorry, Rylee,” she rushed out. “I…I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch. I just…” Heather and Felicia remained silent as Laney’s apology trailed off.

I tooka deep breath and decided not to argue with my friend over a guy I didn’t even know. I smiled and said, “It’s okay. Let’s just forget about it.”

However, it’d been easier said than done.

Chapter 5


As soon as Chicago had sentme over all the information that he’d gathered on Rylee Madden and her family, I had spent all night pouring over it. I had damn near memorized everything he had sent over, and there had been nothing in the report that was alarming enough to change my mind about picking her for Friday night.

Picking her for fucking forever, actually.

Rylee Maddencame from a good family where both her parents were law-abiding and unassuming. Her father was a pharmacist, and her mother was a lab technician. She had a brother who was in the military and was a Marine of all things. Luckily, he was deployed or else he could have been a problem if Rylee has difficulty with our new arrangement.

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