Page 66 of Typhon

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The tears came out of nowhere. “A lot more than I should.”

Chapter 33


I was standing in front of Rylee’s motel room again, and it was a testament to how much power this girl had over me. Never in my life have I ever backed down from a challenge, but here I was, choosing to working things out with her, instead of unleashing hell on her family and friends.

After Alexander had leftmy condo, I had taken a shower and had thought about his parting words. They had sounded like a warning more than a piece of advice, and I wondered if he’s always known about August’s fixation on Rylee, and he was hoping that, by marrying her, it would put August in check.

WhateverAlexander’s reasons were for that low-key warning, I found myself back at Rylee’s motel room to work things out because the alternative wasn’t going to help anybody.

It wouldn’t give me Rylee.

And at the end of all this, that’swhat I wanted. I wanted Rylee. I wanted her for my wife, my partner, my love.

Iknocked on the door, and if I had to break it down to get inside, I would. I knew she was here because her white KIA was parked right in front of the door, and it was already past ten at night. Granted, she could be with someone, but I doubted it. Rylee wouldn’t be out partying her problem away. She was the type to be sitting on the other side of this door, plotting her strategy and revenge.

The door swung open, and Rylee was standing before me, dressed in a simple white t-shirt, a pair of lavender pajama pants, and socks on her feet, proving my theory right. Partying was the last thing on her mind. The girl had probably spent her evening sewing together a voodoo doll of my liking.

“Let me in.” I didn’t ask because I knew what her answer would be.

Sheeyed me for a brief second before stepping back and letting me inside. I was surprised that she’d given in so easily, but I didn’t count that as a good thing. Whatever Rylee’s reasons were for letting me inside the room, I knew they weren’t good.

Still, I wasn’t afraid of a good fight.

I walkedpast her and into the middle of the room, much like I had last time. When I turned around to face her, she remained by the front door. Déjà vu sucked in this instance because the only thing missing from this scene was the robe.

“What doyou want, Stone?” she asked, her voice frosty.

“Now there’s a question.”

Rylee crossed her arms over her chest. “Shouldn’t you be in an underground basement, somewhere, planning my family’s demise?”

In threestrides, I was standing in front of her, her back against the door, unsuccessfully trying to gain some space from my imposing frame. I had one hand wrapped around the side of her neck, my thumb running back and forth over her jaw.

Fuck,she really was stunning.

“Tellme I don’t have to fuck up your entire world and everyone in it, Rylee,” I told her. “Don’t turn this into a bloodbath if it doesn’t have to be.”

Her blue eyes narrowed. “Even your apologies are threats, Stone,” she replied. “You do realize that, right?”

Myother hand came up until both hands were cradling her face. “Tell me I don’t have to ruin you,” I repeated. “Tell me that you’re going to let me love you, even if you can’t find it in yourself to forgive me.”

She didn’t push me away, but she didn’t give in, either. “I’d have to be an idiot to forgive you,” she said. “Besides, you’ve done nothing to earn it.”

“I toldyou I was sorry-”

Ryleejerked her head from my hold and walked away from me until she was safely on the other side of the room. Standing where the bed stood between us. “Sorry for what, Stone?” she spat from across the room. “What exactly are you sorry for?”

I slidmy hands in my pockets as my back straightened. “If you think I’m going to apologize for dragging you into my world, you’re wrong. I’ll never apologize for that. I’ll never apologize for doing what I had to in order to get you to that abandoned house. I’ll never apologize for tricking you into signing the Hera contract. I’ll never apologize for forcing our relationship.” I made sure I held her gaze, so she’d know I was serious. “And I’ll never apologize for whatever I do in the future to make sure I end up with you at my side. Whether you believe it or not, nothing is more important to me than that one outcome.”

“After two weeks?” she asked, her voice full of disbelief. “This…all this, after only two weeks of knowing me?”

“Inever claimed to be able to explain it, Rylee,” I told her. “It is what it is, and I’ve decided not to fight it. I want you. Forever. Period.”

I couldsee the struggle to believe me written all over her face. Her eyes were wary, and her body was fidgeting with indecision. I didn’t blame her, though. I was asking her to hand over the rest of her life to me after treating her horribly.

She was right.

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