Page 6 of Typhon

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“O…okay,” she replied. “I’ll…I’ll see you around.”

Itook another step back, and I watched as she readjusted her backpack, then hurried off to wherever she had been rushing to. The second she was out of sight I pulled my phone out.

“Yeah?”the voice on the other end greeted.

“I want everythingyou can find on Rylee Madden, a student at HU,” I instructed. “I want the same kind of background as the recent ones you’ve done, and I want it by Wednesday.”

“No problem,” Chicago, my PI, replied before hanging up.

Iguess I was picking a girl for Friday after all.

Chapter 4


It’s been two days, and I stillcouldn’t get my brief encounter with Stone Lexington out of my head.

Fora lot of reasons.

Thefirst being that he was Stone freakin’ Lexington. Admittedly, all I knew was gossip and tabloid nonsense, but none of that took away from the fact that Stone Lexington was too hot to look at without going stupid. It was like looking at the sun; you could only look at him in the face for a few seconds before your eyes started to cross and you had to look away to save yourself from going blind by the vision.

The boy was scorching.

Though,I didn’t exactly look like leftovers, I also knew Stone was way out of my league. His family’s wealth ranged into the billions, and even if he didn’t come from a family rich enough to be famous, his looks put him in an entirely different hemisphere from us mere mortals.

It was weirdbecause, describing him on paper, you’d think there was nothing special about him, but that wasn’t true. He had dark brown hair that he kept short on the side, but long enough on top to run your fingers through. Plus, if I thought the guy was vain enough to get highlights, that’s what I’d accuse him of doing. His brown hair had dimensions that hair color commercials always promised you but never delivered on. His eyes were a rich chocolate color, and because I’d been trapped by his body the other day, I had seen that they were surrounded by thick, long lashes. The light played off them in a way that had made his eyes appear to freakin’ sparkle.

Then there was just the whole of his face. The fluid brows, the straight, Romanesque nose, the cut cheekbones, and the strong jaw that all came together to form the perfect masculine facial appearance. Plus, Sweet Baby Jesus, those lips of his. It had been a struggle not to just latch onto them when he had asked me if I was okay.

Also-even though he’d been fully clothed-he’d had his body pressed up against mine during our encounter, so I’d been able to feel muscle every-damn-where. His arm around my waist had been strong, sturdy, andhot.His six-foot-something had towered over me, and I knew that, if he’d ever lost his senses and found me attractive enough to sleep with, wall sex would easily be on the menu.

Plus,as if all of what I’ve already listed wasn’t enough, his voice was deep and dark enough to make a girl’s panties just melt right off. Since that fateful day, I’ve fantasized about what the boy must sound like in bed. I also wasn’t ashamed to admit that my hands might have been down my panties once or twice while I’ve entertained that particular daydream.

There was also that frustrating hummingthat I’d been trying to ignore since Monday. When Stone had wrapped his arm around me to keep me upright, my entire body had hummed with this feeling of sizzling electricity. Like in a romance novel, his touch had ignited something in me, and I had wanted to beg the poor guy to take me where we stood.

It hadbeen an awakening that could only lead to some serious heartbreak if I ever found myself stupid enough to be around him again.

StoneLexington was that passion that was a bad idea to female hearts everywhere. Trust me on this. My heart and ovaries have been arguing over this for a couple of days already.

“Earth to Rylee,” Heather sing-songed. “You still with us?”

Ishook myself out of my thoughts and looked at the three girls sitting with me in the university’s library. Heather was looking expectantly at me while Felicia was just smiling. Laney was too busy to pay attention, tapping away on her phone.

We’dgotten together to study for our Linear Algebra class as we’d all agreed to last week. Studying with people who were passionate about the same thing you were brought about an amazing energy, and that excited energy could make all the difference in how well-prepared you were for your courses and exams.

The only person at the table who was an odd duck was Laney. Since she wasn’t majoring in computer science like me, Heather, and Felicia, I imagined she had just wanted some study support. When I had mentioned we were going to be studying together this Wednesday, Laney had asked if she could join, and although it had surprised me, I’d automatically said yes. I had brushed aside Laney’s claims of taking her senior year seriously when we had spoken about it earlier, but I guess she had been serious, and that was awesome.

“Yeah, I think you’ve been spacing for the past ten minutes,” Felicia added.

“I have not,” I denied.

Laney put her phone down, then looked over at me. “Then what were we just talking about?” she asked, throwing down the gauntlet.

“Linear Algebra,” I quickly tossed back, taking the easy route.

Heather laughed. “C’mon, Rylee. Spill.”

“There’s nothing to spill,” I insisted. “I was just…” They all kept looking at me expectantly, so I caved. “What do you guys know about Stone Lexington?”

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