Page 46 of Typhon

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“Ican feel you already, Rylee,” he said, and it sounded like a taunt. “I can already feel you ready to cum all over my cock.”

I couldn’t deny it. “Yes,” I choked out, my neck still pinned to the bed. Still at his mercy.

I had no idea how much longer he crashed into me, but soon, pressure from the pit of my soul started fanning out to every nerve ending in my body, and I was cumming with my face back in the pillow, my screams muffled.

“Fuck,” he hissed, andStone released my neck to grab onto both my hips.

My bodywas a mess, shaking and spasming, and Stone riding me through my orgasm was unlike anything my body has ever experienced. The feeling was so intense that I feared passing out. It wasn’t until I was blindsided with another explosion that I was officially losing my mind in pleasure so soul-wrecking that I was never going to be the same.“Stone.”

Suddenly,with a hand around the front of my throat, I was hauled upward, my back crashing into Stone’s chest. Every inch of his cock was buried in my convulsing heat, and his breath was hot on my ear as he said, “You’re the hottest fuck I’ve ever had my dick inside, Rylee.” His growl thundered in my eardrum as Stone came with enough force that I could feel his pulsing release pushing against my inner walls.

Our harsh breaths were all that could be heard around the room, and if it wasn’t for his hold around my neck, I would have collapsed face down on the bed. My limbs didn’t seem to work, and my entire body felt spent.


That’s how Ifelt.

Confusion didn’t even begin to cover what I was feeling. Was this feeling of devastation because of our intense chemistry? Was it because he was so big and knew what he was doing in the bedroom? Was it because I’d never been fucked before? Was it because my heart was already committed to this mess? I had no idea what the answer was, but I knew there’d never be another Stone Lexington in my life, besides the one behind me.

And asmuch as I didn’t want to think about all the girls before me, no wonder his one-time-only rule was a heartbreaking one. I couldn’t imagine experiencing something so intense, only to be told that I’d never experience it again.

Whoa, wait.

Wasn’tthat what was happening now?

Stonecancelled the contract between us. He’d broken up with me…well, if that’s what you could even call it. So, what was this? Was it weakness? I was here, he was horny, so…why not?

Slowly coming back to my senses, I was about to ask him what was going on when I felt the hand on my neck tighten while the other one slid from my hip towards my soaked center. His fingers were sliding in between my slick folds, the wet sounds of my multiple releases mixed with our heaving breaths. At first, I thought he was going to make me cum again, but his fingers were playing around in my wetness more than they were manipulating my clit. It was like he wanted me to realize just what he’d done to me, and I was right when his next words confirmed it.

“That’s all you, Rylee,”he said in my ear. “My load is all caught up, nice and neat, in the condom.” I could feel my face heat with embarrassment. “All that wetness covering your pussy and thighs is all you.” I was about to accuse him of some serious arrogance when his next words stopped me cold. “When was the last time you got fucked, huh?” he asked. “Months? Years?” His chuckle sounded dark and unkind. “Long enough that your body was due, is my guess.”

Lost as to how to respond, I grabbed the wrist of the hand between my legs and pulled it way. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end in warning. “Stone-”

I hissed whenhe pulled out of my body. “I gotta get rid of the condom,” he said, and I caught myself falling forward as he let go of my body and got off the bed to head towards the bathroom.

Getting off the bed gingerly, I adjusted my underwear, and I was hit hard in the face with the fact that I hadn’t even undressed. I hadn’t needed to redress or anything. My underwear was a soaked mess, but that was about it. The rest of me was still fairly put together.

I sat on theedge of the bed, wondering if he was going to walk out of the bathroom ready to talk, or if it was going to be awkward, or if he was expecting round two.

I heard the water running, and while I wasn’t a coward, nervousness was threatening to make an appearance. This night had been an emotional roller coaster of confusion, and I had no idea what awaited me next. I had no idea which Stone I was going to encounter when he came out of the bathroom.

When the door opened, Stone walked out, his jeans buttoned back up proper, and I watched as he grabbed my purse from the floor and tossed it at my feet. Whatever it was that I had been expecting, it hadn’t been this. “Now you can get out.”

Chapter 23


It was supposed to have been a punishment. It was supposed to have been a way to exorcise her from my system. It was supposed to have been a dirty fuck for a dirty slut.

However,as I stood in the bathroom, after removing the condom, I couldn’t ignore how my entire body had still been shaking from the experience of being inside Rylee Madden. My heart wouldn’t stop competing with a racehorse and my hands had actually shook so badly that I’d had to hold on to the countertop to stop them from smashing the mirror. It had taken me too long to get my shit together, and when I had exited the bathroom, to Rylee sitting on my bed like she belonged there, that had snapped my resolve. Resentment and hate were like a blended tornado inside my chest.

She justlooked so fucking perfect.

Her eyes on me, unafraid, and I was ready to weaken and be willing to work it out. And, fuck, if that didn’t bring my demons to life. So much so, that I hadn’t even flinched at the hurt that flashed in those dark blue eyes of hers at the callousness of my words.

Ryleedidn’t even spare her purse a glance. Her eyes held mine as she asked, “What?”

My chin cameup. “You heard me,” I replied. “Get out.” She looked bewildered and I hated her a little bit more for it. “Do you need an escort?”

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