Page 30 of Typhon

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Laney cocked ahip and crossed her arms underneath her breasts for emphasis. “Maybe I will,” she replied, a touch of challenge in her voice.

I had to take a deep breath. When it was all said and done, Laney was my roommate, and I still considered her a friend, even if she was behaving like a raging bitch.

Cradling my stuff in one arm, I grabbed my phone from the top of the pile and held it up. “Why don’t we call him now?” I suggested just like someone who knew they were already the winner. “We can put him on speaker and ask him why he’s marrying me.”

Laney’s arms dropped to her sides, and she aimed an evil look my way before storming out our front door. The slamming door made the pictures on the walls rattle, but I wasn’t too concerned about it. They had come with the apartment, so there wasn’t any sentimental attachment to them. In fact, the entire apartment had already come furnished, what with being located in a college town and all.

I shook my head and made my way towards my room. However, the entire time, I wondered how many furnished apartments were in this town and if they were as affordable as this one. Something told me I might just want to check out some listings, just in case.

Chapter 15


My dick’s been hard for Rylee ever since I left her apartment Saturday, and it didn’t seem as if my condition was going to change any time soon. It had taken every ounce of willpower I’d had to leave her apartment Saturday, leaving me and her unsatisfied.

I couldn’t remember the last time I just made out with a girl, but that was probably because I had to have been thirteen or fourteen the last time I just made out with a girl. After losing my virginity at fourteen, there hadn’t been a whole lot of hand holding or the like. I’d already been told about The Order, so from then on out, I’d get laid, then call it a day.

Until Rylee.

I knew she still wasn’tcompletely onboard with marrying me, but I wasn’t too worried about it. I’d hold her to the contract if I had to. I just hoped that I didn’t have to. After that make out session on her couch, it was obvious that she was attracted to me, so I was hoping that would tip the scales in my favor.

Lastnight, after getting our tattoos, all of us initiates had met for a follow-up to Friday night. Fox had organized it, and we had all exchanged numbers, even August. He hadn’t mentioned my Hera contract with Rylee, but since the meeting had revolved mostly around expectations and Alexander’s surprise announcement that he was going to be on-hand the next few months, there’d been no need to mention the girls. I was still curious about why Saxton had chosen Kincaid, but I thought that question best asked privately. Plus, it wasn’t like I was expecting him to answer me, at any rate. Saxton Voss wasn’t one to follow the crowd. He’d been aptly dubbed Basilisk. Hell, we’d all been aptly dubbed.

Plus,just like I hadn’t asked him about Kincaid, no one had asked me about Rylee. Even after August had taken off and the rest of us had hung back for a while longer, no one had asked me why I was marrying Rylee, instead of just sponsoring her. However, even if they had asked, none of them would have believed the truth. Hell, Lennox could hardly believe it, and he knew me best out of everyone in the world. Though unbelievable, it was simple; it had been like being struck by lightning, and that changed a motherfucker.

And now, armed with her school schedule and everything else I knew about her, I was waiting for her in front of her Data Structures class. I needed to start acting like a boyfriend if I was going to get her to agree-willingly-to this marriage, so I figured I might as well start now.

I’d gotten a fewhead nods and a lot of stares as I leaned back against the building, but I’d gotten some gawking when I saw Rylee walking up and I pushed off the wall, then walked towards her, wrapping my left arm around her waist, and kissing the side of her face. “Hey, baby.”

She froze for a second, but quickly melted into my arms. “Hey,” she mumbled.

And because people were tripping over themselves in disbelief, I made a show of grabbing her left hand and kissing the huge rock perched on her ring finger. She’d been wearing it on Saturday when I had stopped by her apartment, and I figured that had to mean something. Plus, the more people who noticed it and knew who the guy was who put it there, well, the least likely she’d be to back out of the marriage. I had to employ whatever manipulative strategies I could here.

“Miss me?” I teased.

Rylee was trying to bury her face in my chest, and I did my best not to laugh. “What are you doing?” she hissed into my shirt.

“I’m just here to tell my fiancé good morning,” I automatically replied.

Her head jerked up, and her eyes were wide because I said that shit loud enough to be heard by anyone in the area. “Stone!” she whispered-yelled. “I thought we were taking this slow?”

Reaching down and lacing her fingersin mine, I dragged her behind me until we were on the east side of the building, away from prying eyes and opened ears.

Icrowded her but left enough room in between us to cross my arms over my chest. “When did we decide that?” Her face turned a bright pink, and that’s when it dawned on me. I lowered my hands to cup that fucking glorious face of hers. “Rylee, just because I didn’t fuck you Saturday doesnotmean we’re taking this slow,” I told her.

Her eyes were dancing all over the place. “I just thought-”

I lifted her face towards mine, lowered my lips to hers, and kissed her slow and long. Rylee hands fisted in my shirt, and she kissed me back with the same sensual fervor. It felt like Saturday all over again, and kissing Rylee was like the best kind of torture. It felt like prolonged foreplay, and I knew I was always going to love kissing her like this.

When I finally broke from her lips, Rylee’s eyes were still closed, and she was panting seductively.

My dick was also hating me something awful.


She opened her eyes,and I loved that I put that look on her face. “Y…yeah?”

“Does that feel like we’re taking it slow?” I asked. “Because these kisses feel more meaningful to me than sex before you has ever felt.”

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