Page 23 of Typhon

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I stared down at thegirl that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about and said, “In four weeks, Rylee,” I informed her. “We’ll be married before the month of October is out.”

“What?”she damn near screeched.

“See,Ms. Madden, we’ve had couples lie about getting married just so they could carry on with a personal relationship,” Alexander reminded her. “As a precaution against such underhandedness, the Hera contract stipulates the marriage must take place within four weeks of the initiation.”

Rylee looked like she was going to pass out, so I reached out, grabbed her by her shoulders, then pulled her to me, her back flushed with my front. I kept my hands on her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her hear. “Breathe, baby.”

“You saidthat you didn’t know him, Rylee,” Laney repeated. “You lied.”

Rylee shook her head. “No, I didn’t. He-”

“Then why would he ask you to marry him?”Laney practically yelled. “Whyyou?”I could feel Rylee still beneath my hands, and I knew she was reacting to the obvious jealousy in Laney’s voice.

“Good job, Lexington,” August’s voice joined in. “Ambush and trick a girl into marrying you.” I was around Alexander and had August by the lapels of his suit before anyone could stop me.

Fuck this guy.

Chaos surrounded us, and even Jacob and Donovan had jumped off the stage to join in on trying to separate me from August. In the end, Jacob, Donovan, and Alexander were pushing August back as Fox, Saxton, and Ross were holding me back. The girls had all stepped safely aside, except for Kincaid and Rylee. Kincaid had joined the fray but was now standing behind me with Rylee.

“Rylee signed that contractaftershe read through it, you fuck,” I spat. “I didn’t trick her into doing anything.” That was a lie. I totally did. However, I wasn’t about to admit that to anyone in this room. “And what’s it to you, anyway, Remington?” He wanted my girl, and that’s what it was to him, and I knew it. He just didn’t know that I knew it.

“Mr. Remington!” Alexander’s voice boomed throughout the room. “We donotinterfere with Hera contracts.Ever.”He was standing in front of August with Jacob and Donovan nearby. “You know this.” Alexander’s head swiveled, and he eyed every guy in the room. “Youallknow this.” I didn’t like the guy, but at least he was doing his duty by the organization. “Mr. Lexington has stated his intentions and Ms. Madden has agreed to them. Period.” He looked back at August. “Your negative opinion is not warranted or needed. We are bound by loyalty, and that especially includes the Hera contracts.”

“Meaning what?” Rylee askedas she stepped around me, placing herself in front of me, Kincaid, Ross, Saxton, and Fox. “What exactly does that mean?”

Alexander turned from August to address her question. “It means you two might as well already be married, Ms. Madden.”

“What?”she choked out.

I could see Alexander trying to collect himself. Though we were separated by a sea of people, tensions were still very high, and if August said anything else, there’s no doubt I’d go after him again. I imagined Alexander hadn’t envisioned this was how our initiation would go down.

“Ms. Madden, at the end of the school year, everyone willgo their separate ways to follow whichever path their career choice takes them.” I stepped forward until I had Rylee pressed up against me again, her back to my front, my hands on her shoulders like before. The truth was going to be tough for her to grasp. “None of the official members need to be in contact with their supporters unless theywantto or are calling in their favor,” he explained. “Once that favor is paid or the age limit is reached, the supporters are free to go about their lives, never associating with The Order again if that’s their choice.”


Alexander threw his palm up to stop her. “A Hera contract declares marriage, Ms. Madden,” he continued. “Not a wedding, but amarriage. You are not only marrying Mr. Lexington, but you are marrying into The Order of the Cronus. You are a member’swife. You are not a means to an end. You are not replaceable. You are a member, Ms. Madden.”

Rylee’s body collapsed against mine, but only for a second. She quickly straightened, but I moved my hands from her shoulders to her arms, supporting her. “Wha…” She shook her head. “What happens if we get a divorce?”

I was surprised at Alexander’s seemingly genuine sympathy for her shock. “There is no divorce within The Order, Ms. Madden,” he said, breaking the news to her. “The consequences are the same should any of you ladies go back on your oath. We will go after you and your entire family.”

Everyone was silent, and the silence was loud as fuck. Everyone was waiting to see what Rylee would do next. Would she lose her shit? Would she back out of the contract? Would she rip me a new one? Would she break down in tears? Would she murder us all?

When Rylee finally spoke, it was to ask another question. “Why four weeks? Why not now, or…next week, or something?”

Alexander chuckled. “When the Hera contract was created, there was some fanciful thought that, if there ever was one enacted, the young lady might like time to prepare for a small, tasteful wedding.”

“Wait,” Rylee said, her voice stronger now that her shock was wearing off. “What do you mean,ifthere ever was one enacted?”

“Congratulations, Ms. Madden,” Alexander said, his smirk back in place. “You are the first to ever sign a Hera contract within the organization.”

“I think I’m having a heart attack,” shewhispered to herself, and Arlene came down from the stage, finally participating beyond that double teaming earlier.

“Ms. Madden,” she began, “it’s rather simple, really. Whether you knew the exact details or not, you were given the contract and the opportunity to read it. Your failure to ask further questionsbeforesigning it is not anyone else’s fault but your own. You either marry Mr. Lexington or you don’t. You know the conditions for each choice, so make it, and quit further wasting our time.”

“Fuck you,” Rylee spat, and there was no way I wasn’t marrying this girl, even if she hated me the rest of our lives. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you don’t know me. Don’t presume to step to me like you do.”

Arlene shrugged her shoulders. “The facts still remain, Ms. Madden,” she replied. “We need to send you girls on your way and move this initiation along.”

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