Page 164 of Wolf Awakened

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He walked over to me until we were facing each other, and I struggled to remain still when I truly wanted to go on my knees and milk that thick fucker with my hands.

Screw hands. I want to suck it nice and hard.

His touch was unexpected as he gently brushed my hair out of the way before placing his hand on my right cheek. I remained still, holding my breath when he inched closer, and I began to realize he was going to kiss me.

I wasn’t sure how to feel about it, and yet I didn’t pull away. I invited him to do what he wished, and that seemed to give him the push to close the distance between us as his lips captured mine.

The kiss was one of the most tender ones I'd experienced. Onyx wasn't a tender kisser. Once in a blue moon or if he was exhausted after rounds and rounds of fucking, but this soft touch that held so much passion left my mind questioning what I liked better.

I kissed him back, having to figure out how to be slow and not kiss him hungrily with desire that had never been evident until now. What turned me on was the fact he kissed me like I was actually his. That I meant something to him even though it still felt like we were strangers.

We'd both gotten a glimpse of each other's book covers, but neither of us had taken the plunge to open the pages and begin to read the details of our creation.

My body gravitated to press against his, and feeling his cock against the fabric of my boxer panties had me shifting in his hold. He hooked his arms around me as if he wanted to give me his warmth. His body was so hot in temperature and sent tendrils of ecstasy through me when we merely touched.

This sensation of safety was one I'd only experienced with Onyx, and that was after a long period of time. When I could trust him again. Here I was in an unfamiliar garden filled with various flowers, the aromas dancing around us as the soft wind breezes by, my lips captivated by an artist with a blindfold upon his face and his arms hooked around my almost naked body.

Our bodies hummed in harmony, and I was struggling to keep still. To not remove the piece of fabric of my panties and let loose with the urge to go the full haul in this man's captivity.

When his lips moved at a quickening pace, I followed his lead. He broke the kiss briefly, only to hold me tighter and slip his tongue into my mouth possessively. I was in his clutches, and I didn’t feel the need to fight to be released from them.

For the first time in a long time...I felt at home. I belonged in this man's arms, and I couldn’t seem to get why.

We were breathless when we parted, and I decided to pull out of his arms before this grew into something we couldn’t stop.

Something that will leave us moaning, panting, and screaming out in euphoria.

"Why are you being nice to me, Neo?" I whispered into the silence. "I don’t belong here."

I was unable to enjoy the flickering waves of happiness that wished to consume me, this thrilling escape and moment of acknowledgment, needing it to come to an end before I fell for its wonders and was left as a victim when it came crumbling down.

"I think you do," he stated like he truly believed that I was one of them. "As for why myself or my bros are being nice to you...we're not sure," he confessed.

He stared at the vast garden around us before he continued. "Think of this as initiation. That's where you get to see this wonderful viewpoint of us. A glimpse of each of us. Bits of good and evil."

He tugged on his blindfold so it fell to his neck, and he opened his eyes to show voided hollows of darkness.

"This deal will seal you into our lives, Willow, but I'll be the first to warn you, if you truly want to be among us, you'll have to endure all the bad that comes with us."

"Haven't I seen all the bad?" I asked.

His smile was scary, as a hint of red began to swarm his eyes like slits of what some would presume were the eyes of a monster.

"Nothing close to it, Sweetness. You've seen the introduction of who we are, but you truly don’t know just how different we are during the day than we are in the depths of the night."

He took a step closer, and I only shivered because I wished to be in his arms again. He didn't pull back from the movement, only smiled because I knew without a doubt that he acknowledged the power he had over me.

His hand was on my cheek again before it slid to my neck. He moved until he was before me again, only this time he leaned in to whisper in my ear, "We're bad news, Willow. Dangerous. Lethal creatures that normally never let go of our prey. We've switched things up because of you. Something we've never done in the history of our creation. No one has survived my power, my wolf, my lips." He paused just to lay his lips upon my neck while his hand glided along my shoulder.

I let out a moan when those dangerous lips moved against my flesh and flinched when he bit into my flesh before sucking it hard, which had my eyes rolling back as I enjoyed the pain and pleasure. He kissed and sucked the spot until I was sure there was a hickey there.

I was either going to get a pass from Onyx or be fucked senseless later tonight, but I didn’t regret letting Neo kiss me, which seemed so odd to me that I was truly confused by my actions.

"My only question is whether you could handle us?" he whispered as he leaned back to look into my eyes with his own. "Can you handle the darkness of the Forbidden? To see the sides of us that have made some kill themselves after seeing one of the fucked up methods of torture we use upon our prey? Do you believe you're strong enough to become one of us? To partake in the acts of killing those who deserve to be slain by our hands, paws, and guns? You have until we sign that contract to decide, but know that we all won't accept you immediately. We may be a lot more complicated than you've gotten the privilege to see."

He moved his head so our lips brushed at the slightest movement.

"I can handle you," I whispered. "The only question is whether you can handle me."

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