Page 64 of His Forever Girl

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“You’re the best coach ever,” one girl said. Tess thought her name was Piper. She needed to go over the roster and put names with faces.

“And you’re the best team,” Tess said, deciding she’d missed her calling. Who cared about Mardi Gras floats when there was kids’ soccer to coach? “Now everyone put your hand in. I’m going to count to three, and then we’re all going to yell ‘ladybugs,’ okay?”

More head bobbing.


“Ladybugs!” they all screamed.

The team broke and scampered toward their parents sitting in the collapsible stands, and Tess walked to where Graham stood cleaning up the paper cups around the cooler he’d brought.

“Good practice,” he said looking up. He wore athletic shorts and a T-shirt that skimmed his toned stomach. He was totally drool-worthy, but Tess pretended he had a wart on his nose and hair growing out of his ears. No noticing his thighs with the sprinkling of hair. No ogling the smooth tanned nape of his neck. No thinking about licking those abs.


Not at all.

“Yes, they did better today.”

“You’re really good with them,” he said, squinting against the sun. “I’m glad you volunteered to help.”

A warmth blossomed inside her. She shrugged it off. “I’m not the best, but I’m better than poor Jim.”

The both turned and looked at Jim who waved at them from the top of the bleachers. He had his leg propped up and looked relaxed in his new job of team manager.

“Seriously, Tess, thanks for doing this.”

“Surprisingly, I like it.”

Emily came galloping over. “Guess what?”

“What?” Both she and Graham said in unison.

“Kathryn is inviting me to her birthday party. We’re going to ride ponies!”

“Cool,” Tess said, offering the child a high five.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tess spotted Monique charging across the field in her wrap dress and metallic strappy sandals. Her oversize sunglasses covered most of her face, but she smiled at Emily as she approached them.

“Mom!” Emily shouted, kicking it into high gear to reach her mother. Monique caught Emily’s shoulders before she bulldozed her over. “You came to practice… but it’s already over. You shoulda seen me. I kicked the ball good today. I’m pretty awesome at this soccer stuff.”

“Good, sweetie,” Monique said, heading toward where Tess stood with Graham. Tess couldn’t see her boss’s eyes, but she had the feeling they carefully studied her and Graham, weighing, measuring… perhaps even suspecting. Especially after Tess admitted having his cell phone number.

“Tess, what are you doing here, and why are you wearing a whistle? Are you coaching the team?”

“I told you I volunteered to help Jim. I brought Emily to practice, remember?” Hmm… what was Monique’s game? Or maybe she had ADD and hadn’t really listened when Tess had told her.

“Oh, of course,” Monique said, propping her glasses on her head and glancing at Graham. It wasn’t a possessive glance though it was familiar. “And you’re helping, too?”

Graham nodded. “Jim needed it.”

Monique looked over at Jim before shifting her attention back on her ex. “I’m sure it’s nice for Emily to have her father so involved in her everyday life. Finally.”

Monique’s words should have been complimentary, but they sounded anything but. A sudden wave of dislike flooded Tess. The woman liked making Graham feel guilty for the years he’d been in Houston, and that seemed such a petty thing to do in front of their daughter. In front of Tess.

“Yeah,” he said, smiling at his daughter, who came and nestled herself against his side. He wound an arm about her shoulders, squeezing her to him. “I’m happy to help the Lake End Ladybugs get ready to win the championship.”

Emily giggled.
